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Navitas- University of South Australia



南澳大學成立於1991年,其前身是由南澳理工學院和南澳高等教育學院的三個校區合併而成。該校已有100多年歷史,提供高水準的專科以上教育。雖然這是一所新校,但卻是南澳三所大學中最大的。南澳大學的工商管理碩士(MBA)課程,自2009年至2011年連續三年在澳大利亞優秀大學指南(Good Universities Guide) 中被評為5星級。南澳大學與30 多個國家的高等院校開展研究、教學以及學生交流合作夥伴計畫。南澳大學藥劑學院作為行業領先學院之一與莫那什大學、昆士蘭大學和雪梨大大學的藥劑學院組成“國際藥劑教育聯盟”(NAPE),以推動藥劑師職業在全國健康領域的發展。


選擇在University of South Australia進修的原因

  • 幾乎所有南澳大的科系都有提供銜接課程

  • 小班制教學讓學生可以得到更多個人關注

  • 位於市中心的學習最佳位置,以及是澳洲生活費最經濟實惠的地方

  • 學生畢業後具備較強的競爭力



Diploma Programs

  • Arts

  • Business

  • Engineering

  • Health Science

  • Information Technology


Diploma Programs 課程內容

◆ Arts

Stage 1 - 核心課程

  • Academic Research and Critical Enquiry

  • Information and New Media Technologies

  • Communication; People, Place and Culture

  • Design

  • Media & Society

Stage 1 - 選修課程 ( 學生任選2門課程 )

  • Business Studies 1

  • Maths & Statistics

  • Science and Society

  • Human Biology

  • Programming

Stage 2 - 核心課程

  • Communication and the Media

  • Digital Design Essentials

  • Ideas, Innovation and Communication

  • Intercultural Communications

  • Introduction to Digital Media

  • Professional and Technical Communication

Stage 2 - 選修課程 ( 學生任選2門課程 )

Communication stream

  • Public Relations Theory and Practice

  • Psychology 1B

Media Arts stream (MA)

  • Design Language in Media Arts

  • Introduction to Film and Television

◆ Business

Stage 1 - 核心課程

  • Academic Research and Critical Enquiry

  • Information and New Media Technologies

  • Communication; People, Place and Culture

  • Business Studies 1

  • Business Studies 2

  • Maths & Statistics

Stage 1 - 選修課程 ( 學生任選1門課程 )

  • Media & Society

  • Science and Society

  • Human Biology

  • Design

  • Programming

Stage 2 - 核心課程

  • Business and Society

  • Business Law

  • Marketing Principles

  • Principles of Economics

  • Professional Development in Business

  • Quantitative Methods in Business

Stage 2 - 選修課程 ( 學生任選2門課程 )

Commerce (Accounting) stream (CA)

  • Accounting for Business

  • Financial Accounting 1

Business stream (B)

  • Accounting Principles for Business Decisions

  • Management and Organizations Property stream (P)

  • Accounting for Business

  • Management and Organizations

◆ Engineering

Stage 1 - 核心課程

  • Academic Research and Critical Enquiry

  • Information and New Media Technologies

  • Communication; People, Place and Culture

  • Advanced Maths 1

  • Advanced Maths 2

  • Physics 1

  • Physics 2

Stage 2 - 核心課程

  • Computer Techniques

  • Engineering Design and Innovation

  • Sustainable Engineering Practice

  • Mathematical Methods for Engineers 1

  • Mathematical Methods for Engineers 2

Stage 2 - 選修課程 ( 學生選擇其中一個主要領域並完成課程 )


  • Engineering Materials

  • Engineering Mechanics

  • Management Principles


  • Introduction to Computer Systems

  • Electricity and Electronics

  • Engineering Physics


  • Engineering Materials

  • Engineering Mechanics

  • Electricity and Electronics

Mechatronic Stream

  • Introduction to Computer Systems

  • Electricity and Electronics

  • Engineering Mechanics

◆ Health Science

Stage 1 - 核心課程

  • Academic Research and Critical Enquiry

  • Information and New Media Technologies

  • Communication; People, Place and Culture

  • Science and Society

  • Human Biology

  • Maths & Statistics

  • Chemistry

Stage 2 - 核心課程

  • Human Anatomy

  • Human Physiology 1

  • Human Physiology 2

  • Foundation of Health

  • Introductory Psychology

  • Global and National Health

  • Population Health

  • Statistics for Laboratory Sciences

◆ Information Technology

Stage 1 - 核心課程

  • Academic Research and Critical Enquiry

  • Information and New Media Technologies

  • Communication; People, Place and Culture

  • Design

  • Programming

  • Maths & Statistics

Stage 1 - 選修課程 ( 學生任選1門課程 )

  • Media & Society

  • Business Studies 1

  • Science and Society

  • Human Biology

Stage 2 - 核心課程

  • Problem Solving and Programming

  • Information Technology Fundamentals

  • Programming Fundamentals

  • Network Fundamentals

  • Database Fundamentals

  • Design Thinking and Digital Innovation

  • IT Project Management

  • Systems Analysis

Diploma Programs入學日期

Intake: 2、6、10

  • Arts

  • Business

  • Engineering

  • Health Science

  • Information Technology


Diploma Program (Stage 1)

Diploma Program (Stage 2)

  • 高二順利通過所有考試

  • IB successful completion of year 1

  • 高三4科主科平均成績達60%

  • IB minimum score of 20 over 6 subjects


Diploma Program (Stage 1)

  • IELTS 5.5 (各項目不得低於5.0)

  • TOEFL iBT 46-59 (Speaking & Writing不得低於14分)

  • PTE 42

Diploma Program (Stage 2)

  • IELTS 6.0 (各項目不得低於6.0)

  • TOEFL iBT 60-78 (Speaking & Writing不得低於20分)

  • PTE 50


  • 申請表格

  • 高中成績單

  • 高中畢業證書

  • 英語能力證明

  • 護照影本

  • Personal Statement

  • CV/ Resume


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