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Navitas- Deakin College



自2008年,在主掌教務的副校長約翰·羅森堡(John Rosenberg)教授的決策下,迪肯大學著手仿傚邦德大學以「每年三學期」的制度,代替了一般「每年兩學期」的制度。儘管這項改革尚存爭議,但是充分表現出迪肯大學銳意改革、不斷進取的興學宗旨。


選擇就讀Deakin College的原因

  • 迪肯大學曾兩度被澳大利亞的《優秀大學指南》評為「年度重點大學」;尤以教育學、營養學、數學等領域見長。

  • 2007年,迪肯大學首次進入《泰晤士報高等教育特輯》和Quacquarelli Symonds公司聯合評選的「年度全球大學前500名」,排名第374位。

  • 2012年,根據《泰晤士高等教育》發布的2011/2012世界大學排名榜單, 迪肯大學排名第357位



Foundation Program :

  • Standard

  • Extended


Diploma Programs:

  • Commerce

  • Computing

  • Engineering

  • Health Sciences

  • Management

  • Media & Communications

  • Science


Master Qualifying Program:

  • Business & Law

Foundation Program 課程內容

◆ Standard 


  • Advanced Academic Communication Skills (Core)

  • Intercultural Studies (Core)

  • Information Technology (Core)

  • Elective



  • Advanced Academic Writing and Research (Core)

  • Elective

  • Elective

  • Elective

◆ Extended (尚未達到Standard Program的學生,可先讀Extended Program) 


  • Introduction to Academic Communication (Core)

  • Introduction to Academic Writing (Core))

  • Computer Skills (Core)

  • Elective

  • Essential Mathematics (Alternative core) or Mass Communication (Alternative core)

◆ Elective units 選修課程 (學生從中選一個主要選修領域)

Arts Electives

  • Society and Culture

  • Law

  • Media

  • Mass Communication

  • Management

  • Economics

  • Marketing

Business Electives

  • Introduction to Systems Analysis

  • Economics

  • Essential Mathematics

  • Mathematics I

  • Mathematics II

  • Accounting

  • Management

  • Law

  • Marketing

Engineering/IT/Science Electives

  • Introduction to Systems Analysis

  • Essential Mathematics

  • Mathematics I

  • Mathematics II

  • Physics

  • Management

  • Chemistry

  • Biology

  • Human Biology

Health Electives

  • Essential Mathematics

  • Mathematics I

  • Mathematics II

  • Physics

  • Management

  • Chemistry

  • Biology

  • Human Biology

Diploma Programs 課程內容

◆ Commerce ( 學生必須完成其中8個課程 )

  • Business Academic Skills

  • Accounting for Decision Making

  • Economic Principles

  • The Global Economy

  • Fundamentals of Finance

  • Business Law

  • Marketing Fundamentals

  • Management

  • Business Information Systems

  • Business Analytics


◆ Computing ( 學生必須完成其中8個課程 )

  • Fundamentals of Information Technology

  • Introduction to Programming

  • Database and Information Retrieval

  • Introduction to Web Development

  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving for IT

  • Introduction to Computer Science

  • Data Science Concepts

  • Cloud Computing and Virtualization

  • Introduction to Apps Design

  • Game Fundamentals

  • Introduction to Game Programming

  • Principles of Interactive Media

  • Interactive Media Systems

  • Introduction to Computer Security

  • Introductory Mathematical Methods

  • Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis

  • Discrete Mathematics


◆ Engineering ( 學生必須完成所有課程 )

  • Engineering Practice

  • Engineering Graphics and CAD

  • Electrical Systems

  • Engineering Materials 1

  • Engineering Physics

  • Programming for Engineers

  • Introduction to Mathematical Modelling

  • Applied Algebra and Statistics


◆ Health Sciences ( 學生必須完成其中8個課程 )

  • Understanding Health

  • Health Information and Data

  • Human Structure and Function

  • Health Behavior

  • Psychology A: Fundamentals of Human Behavior

  • Psychology B: Individual and Social Development

  • Principles of Exercise and Sport Science

  • Functional Human Anatomy

  • Introduction to Public Health and Health Promotion

  • Local and Global Environments for Health

  • Foundations of Food, Nutrition and Health

  • Food: The Environment and Consumers

  • Physiology of Human Growth and Development

  • Physics for Life Sciences

  • Cells and Genes

  • Essential Skills in Bioscience

  • Chemistry in Our World

  • Biology: Form and Function

  • Chemistry for the Professional Sciences


◆ Management

  • Financial Literacy

  • Managerial Economics

  • Business Information Systems

  • Business Law

  • Marketing Management

  • Global Mindset

  • Management

  • Managing Business Operations


◆ Media & Communications


  • Communication in Everyday Life

  • Creativity and Dangerous Ideas


  • Writing with the Camera (available in T1, 2017)

  • Moving Pictures: Screening Film History (available in T3, 2016)

  • Design and Typography

  • Design Skills

  • Pixel to Print: Digital Imaging 1

  • Thinking Photography: History, Theory and Cultural context

  • Media Genres: Negotiating Textual Forms and Pleasures

  • Media Culture and Technological Transformations: Living in the Digital Age

  • News Reporting 1

  • News Reporting 2

  • Introduction to Public Relations

  • Strategic Communication and Writing

  • Animation Narratives

  • Principles of Character Animation

◆ Science


  • Physics for the Life Sciences

  • Cells and Genes

  • Biology: Form and Function

  • Chemistry in Our World

  • Chemistry for the Professional Sciences


  • Understanding Health

  • Human Structure and Function

  • Foundations of Food, Nutrition and Health

  • Introduction to Statistics

  • Introduction to Mathematical Modelling

  • Physical Geography

  • Ecology and the Environment

  • Fundamentals of Forensic Science

  • Essential Skills in Bioscience


Master Qualifying Program 課程內容

 Business & Law


  • Academic and Intercultural Communication for Postgraduate Study

  • Academic Writing and Research Skills Development for Postgraduate Study

Discipline-based units (另外加上2門學科基礎課程)

  • Accounting for Decision-Making

  • The Global Economy

  • Fundamentals of Finance Management

  • Management



Intake: 3、6、10

Foundation Program

  • Standard

  • Extended


Diploma Program

  • Commerce

  • Computing

  • Engineering

  • Health Sciences

  • Management

  • Media & Communications

  • Science


Master Qualifying Program

  • Business & Law

Foundation Program



Diploma Program

高三4科主科平均成績達60% or Grade B


Foundation Program

  • IELTS 5.0 (各項不得低於4.5)

Diploma Program

  • IELTS 5.5 (各項不低於5.5)

  • TOEFL iBT 69-70

Media & Communications:

  • IELTS 6.0 (各項不低於5.5)

  • TOEFL iBT 79-80

Master Qualifying Program

  • IELTS 6.0 (各項不低於6.0)


  • 申請表格

  • 高中成績單/大學成績單

  • 高中畢業證書/大學畢業證書

  • 英語能力證明

  • 護照影本

  • Personal Statement

  • CV/ Resume

Master Qualifying Program



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