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Navitas-Brunel University London



布魯內爾的工程與設計學院每年會舉行一次設計展覽,名稱為「Made In Brunel」(布魯內爾製造),以展覽即將畢業的學生們的作品。布魯內爾大學也是最早進入學生方程式競賽的英國大學之一,該競賽用學生設計、製造的方程式賽車進行比賽,會有來自世界各地的學生參加。


選擇在 Brunel University London 進修的原因

  • 布魯內爾大學提供一個安全、友善且正向的學習環境

  • 學校提供最先進的教材,休閒娛樂及運動設施

  • 學校不僅教導學術方面,更致力在啟發學生廣泛的就業技能以及事業發展

  • 學生可以體驗多元化的社團活動以及社交活動

  • 所有銜接課程皆提供小班制教學,使得學生可以得到更多關注

  • 所有銜接課程皆提供選擇性的實習機會(Work-experience year)

  • 2011年度的英國全國學生普查(National Student Survey, NSS)顯示, 布魯內爾大學是學生滿意度前五名之大學

  • 彈性的開課日期,讓學生在選擇學習時間上更方便



Undergraduate Pathways: (2個學期)

  • Business & Management

  • Business Computing / Computer Science

  • Economics & Finance

  • Engineering

  • Law


Postgraduate Pathways: (1個學期)

  • Business & Management

  • Business Computing / Computer Science

  • Environmental Science & Sustainability

  • Law

  • Arts

  • Engineering & Design


Undergraduate Pathway 課程內容

◆ Business & Management

Stage I

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 1

  • Management

  • Mathematics

  • Principles of ICT

  • Economics

  • Marketing

  • Principles of Accounting

  • Statistics

Stage II

  • Introduction to Management Enquiry

  • Managing Information with Technology

  • Introduction to Accounting

  • Interactive Learning Skills & Communication 4

  • Organizational Behavior and Analysis

  • International Business Environment

  • Principles & Practices of Marketing

◆ Business Computing / Computer Science

Stage I

  • Introductory Programming

  • Data and Information

  • Information Systems and Organizations

  • Logic and Computation

  • Interactive Learning Skills & Communication 4


Stage II

  • Introductory Programming

  • Data and Information

  • Information Systems and Organizations

  • Logic and Computation

◆ Economics & Finance

Stage I

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 1

  • Management

  • Mathematics

  • Principles of ICT

  • Economics

  • Marketing

  • Principles of Accounting

  • Statistics

Stage II

  • Mathematics for Economics & Finance A

  • Statistical Research Methods A

  • Macroeconomic Principles

  • Financial Markets

  • Interactive Learning Skills & Communication 4

  • Mathematics for Economics & Finance B

  • Statistical Research Methods B

  • Microeconomic Principles

  • Introduction to Financial Accounting

◆ Engineering

Stage I

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication for Engineers

  • Mathematics for Engineers 1

  • Physics for Engineers 1

  • ICT and Programming Techniques

  • Engineering Concepts

  • Mathematics for Engineers 2

  • Physics for Engineers 2

  • Problem solving, Creative Thinking and Analytical Skills

◆ Law

Stage I

  • Legal Ethics and Skills

  • Legal Foundations

  • Introduction to the Law of Civil Obligations

  • Criminal Liability and Process

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 1

  • Management

  • Principles of ICT

  • Critical Analysis and Writing Skills

Postgraduate Pathways 課程內容

◆ Business & Management

◆ Business Computing / Computer Science

◆ Environmental Science & Sustainability

◆ Law

◆ Arts

◆ Engineering & Design

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 5

  • Critical and Creative Thinking

  • Research Methods

  • Applied Concepts


Undergraduate Pathways 大學預科入學日期

Intake: 9月、 1、5

  • Business & Management

  • Business Computing / Computer Science (Stage 1)

  • Economics & Finance (Stage 1)

Intake: 9月、 1

  • Business Computing / Computer Science (Stage 2)

  • Economics & Finance (Stage 2)

  • Engineering

  • Law

Postgraduate Pathways 大學預科入學日期

Intake: 9、5

  • Business & Management (1學期上課)

  • Environmental Science & Sustainability (1學期上課)

  • Law (1學期上課)

Intake: 1月、5

  • Arts (1學期上課+ work placement)

Intake: 1

  • Business & Management (1學期上課 + work placement)

  • Business Computing / Computer Science (1學期上課 + work placement)

  • Environmental Science & Sustainability (1學期上課 + work placement)

  • Law (1學期上課 + work placement)

  • Engineering & Design (1學期上課 + work placement)

Intake: 5

  • Engineering & Design (1學期上課)


Undergraduate Pathways 

(Stage 1 : Foundation)

Undergraduate Pathways

(Stage 2 : First Year Degree)

Postgraduate Pathways

(Pre Master)

  • 高中畢業且平均成績達60%或以上

  • 高職畢業且成績達70%

  • Completion of IB Certificate

  • 數學SM2: 80%

  • 高中畢業且4科主科平均成績達70%

  • Completion of IB Diploma or completion of IB Certificate with 24 points

  • 數學SM3: 80%

  • 大學畢業且平均成績達65%

  • 5年制junior文憑修畢且平均成績達70% + 一年工作經驗/ 服過兵役


Undergraduate Pathways 

(Stage 1 : Foundation)

  • IELTS 5.5 (各項目不得低於5.5)

  • PTE: 51 (各項都需達到51)

  • GCSE/ IGCSE English Language C

  • IB: Standard level 4


  • IELTS 6.0 (各項目不得低於5.5)

  • PTE: 51 (各項都需達到51)

  • IGCSE English Language C

  • IB: Standard level 5或是 Higher Level 4

Undergraduate Pathways

(Stage 2 : First Year Degree)

Postgraduate Pathways

(Pre Master)

  • IELTS 6.0 (各項目不得低於5.5)

  • PTE: 51 (各項都需達到51)

  • IGCSE English Language C

  • IB: Standard level 5或是 Higher Level 4

  • IELTS 6.0 (各項目不得低於5.5)

  • PTE: 51 (各項都需達到51)

  • IGCSE English Language C

  • IB: Standard level 5或是 Higher Level 4


  • 申請表格

  • 高中成績單/大學成績單

  • 高中畢業證書/大學畢業證書

  • 英語能力證明

  • 護照影本

  • Personal Statement

  • CV/ Resume


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