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Navitas- Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) 


安格里亞魯斯金大學是一所在英國英格蘭劍橋及切爾姆斯福德設有校舍的公立大學,成立於1858,並在1992年升格為大學。其原名為Anglia Polytechnic University, 通常被人們簡稱為APU,在2005年10月改為現在使用的名字。它也是劍橋地區的雅思考試中心。安格利亞魯斯金大學有超過35,000名學生,分別來自全球超過177個國家,是英國學生最多的大學之一。現在該校已有5個學院。本科及研究生課程所涉及的學科非常廣泛,從商業與管理、教育、衛生與社會工作、文學及藝術、語言、法律到各種理工科類應有盡有,涵蓋本科預科、本科、碩士預科、碩士和博士各個級別。


選擇在 Anglia Ruskin University 進修的原因

  • 在真正的大學校園內開始大學的銜接學習路程

  • 小班制教學讓教師可以關注到每一個學生

  • 通過大學銜接課程,可以得到升讀安格里亞魯斯大學的機會及授予國際認可的學位

  • 所有預科班學生皆可以使用安格里亞魯斯大學裡所有的設施及服務



Undergraduate Pathways: 

  • Architecture

  • Art & Design

  • Business

  • Communication & Humanities

  • Computing & Technology

  • Education

  • Engineering & Built Environment

  • International Business Management

  • Law

  • Medical & Life Sciences

  • Optics

  • Social Policy


Postgraduate Pathways: 

  • Computing & Technology

  • Engineering

  • International Business


  • Medical & Life Sciences

  • Art & Design

  • Education

  • Intercultural Communication

  • International Management

  • Law

  • Publishing

  • Social Policy

Undergraduate Pathway 課程內容

◆ Architecture

  • Creative Workshop Series I

  • Creative Workshop Series II

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 2

  • Approach to Design

  • Critical and Contextual Studies

  • Engineering Design

  • Principles of ICT

◆ Art & Design

  • Creative Workshop Series I

  • Creative Workshop Series II

  • Approach to Design

  • Critical and Contextual Studies

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 2

  • Critical Thinking

  • Principles of ICT

◆ Business

  • Business Law

  • Business Studies (Double module)

  • Composition and Style

  • Critical Thinking

  • Principles of ICT

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 2

  • Analytical Techniques 1

◆ Communication & Humanities

  • Composition and Style

  • Critical Thinking

  • Intercultural Studies

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 2

  • Principles of ICT

  • Critical and Contextual Studies

  • Business Studies (Double Module)

◆ Computing & Technology

  • Analytical Techniques 1

  • Analytical Techniques 3

  • Engineering Design

  • Critical Thinking

  • Physics 3

  • Principles of ICT

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communications 2

  • Intercultural Studies

◆ Education

  • Composition and Style

  • Critical Thinking

  • Intercultural Studies

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 2

  • Principles of ICT

  • Critical and Contextual Studies

  • Business Studies (Double Module)

◆ Engineering & Built Environment

  • Analytical Techniques 1

  • Analytical Techniques 3

  • Engineering Design 1

  • Intercultural Studies

  • Critical Thinking

  • Physics 3

  • Principles of ICT

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 2

◆ International Business Management

  • Analytical Techniques 1

  • Interactive Learning Skills & Communications

  • Principles of ICT

  • Business Studies 2 (Double module)

  • Business Law

  • Critical Thinking

  • Composition & Style

  • Intercultural Studies

◆ Law

  • Composition and Style

  • Principles of ICT

  • Fundamentals of Law

  • Business Law

  • Critical Thinking

  • Intercultural Studies

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 2

◆ Medical & Life Sciences

  • Analytical Techniques 1

  • Biology 1

  • Biology 2

  • Physics 3

  • Chemistry 1

  • Critical Thinking

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 2

  • Principles of ICT

◆ Optics

  • Analytical Techniques 1

  • Biology 1

  • Biology 2

  • Physics 3

  • Chemistry 1

  • Critical Thinking

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 2

  • Principles of ICT

◆ Social Policy

  • Composition and Style

  • Critical Thinking

  • Intercultural Studies

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 2

  • Principles of ICT

  • Critical and Contextual Studies

  • Business Studies (Double Module)

Postgraduate Pathways 課程內容

◆ Computing & Technology

◆ Engineering

◆ Medical & Life Sciences

  • nteractive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Analytical Techniques for Postgraduate Study

  • Research Methods and Skills

◆ International Business

  • Advanced Contract Law

  • Information Communication Technology

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Business Management (double module)


◆ Education

◆ Intercultural Communication

◆ International Management

◆ Law

◆ Publishing

◆ Social Policy

    Skills-based module designed to develop advanced academic skills required for successful post-graduate study.

    Study of English/EU Law; Contract Law; Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility.

    Study of Business Strategy and The Economic Environment of Business.

    Skills-based module designed to develop advanced IT skills required for successful post-graduate study.

◆ Art & Design


Modules – 2 學期制 pathway: 

  • Advanced Practical Study Skills

  • Mass Communications

  • Pre-masters specialist project

  • Interactive learning skills

  • Academic writing

Modules – 1 學期制 pathway: 

  • Pre-masters specialist project

  • Interactive learning skills

  • Academic writing

Undergraduate Pathways 大學預科入學日期

Intake: 1、6、9

  • Business

  • Communication & Humanities

  • Computing & Technology

  • Engineering & Built Environment

  • Law

  • Medical & Life Sciences

  • Social Policy

Intake: 1、6

  • Architecture

Intake: 1、9

  • Art & Design

  • Education

  • Optics

Intake: 1

  • International Business Management

Postgraduate Pathways 大學預科入學日期

Intake: 1、6、9

  • Computing & Technology

  • Engineering

  • International Business


  • Medical & Life Sciences

  • Art & Design

  • Education

  • Intercultural Communication

  • International Management

  • Law

  • Publishing

  • Social Policy


Undergraduate Pathways 

Stage 1 (Foundation):


Stage 2 (1st year degree):


Postgraduate Pathways- Pre Master (PMP)




Undergraduate Pathways

5.5 (各項目不得低於5.5)

Postgraduate Pathways- Pre Master (PMP)

5.5 (各項目不得低於5.5)


  • 申請表格

  • 高中成績單

  • 高中畢業證書

  • 英語能力證明

  • 護照影本

  • Personal Statement

  • CV/ Resume


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