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Navitas- La Trobe University




選擇在La Trobe University Melbourne Campus進修的原因

  • 快速進入澳洲最好的大學的預備課程

  • 密集的課程且一年有三次彈性入學的機會

  • 廣泛的學術資源及個人化的支援

  • 小班制教學讓教師能照顧到所有學生

  • 學校的課程都是經由大學教授進行審核和評估過

  • 超過40年的英語教學經驗,專為國際學生而設計 (ELICOS)

  • 與在地澳洲學生一同學習



Foundation Studies Program

  • Business, IT and Humanities

  • Engineering and Computer Science

  • Health and Life Science

Diploma Programs 

  • Diploma of Business

  • Diploma of Information Technology

  • Diploma of Bioscience

  • Diploma of Health Sciences

  • Diploma of Mass Media and Communications

  • Diploma of Engineering


Foundation Studies Program 課程內容

◆ Business, IT and Humanities

  • Academic Communication 1

  • Accounting 1

  • Economics 1

  • Essential Maths1

  • Academic Communication 2

  • Accounting 2

  • Economics 2

  • Essential Maths 2

◆ Engineering & Computer Science

  • Academic Communication 1

  • Advanced Maths 1

  • Physics 1

  • Essential Maths 1

  • Independent learning 1

  • Academic Communication 2

  • Advanced Maths 2

  • Physics 2

  • Essential Maths 2

  • Independent learning 2

◆ Health & Life Science

  • Academic Communication 1

  • Biology 1 or Advanced Maths 1

  • Chemistry 1

  • Physics 1

  • Essential Maths 1

  • Academic Communication 2

  • Biology 2 or Advanced Maths 2

  • Chemistry 2

  • Physics 2

  • Essential Maths 2

Diploma Programs 課程內容

◆ Diploma of Bioscience


  • Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity

  • Molecules, Genes and Cells

  • Applications of Chemistry

  • Basic Chemistry

  • Clinical Foundations of Psychological Science

  • Experimental Foundations of Psychological

  • Science

  • Data-Based Critical Thinking


  • Statistics for Psychology

  • Human Biosciences B

◆ Diploma of Business


  • Business Foundations

  • Accounting and Finance for Business

  • Business Economics

  • Business Analytics

  • Business Writing

選修課程 ( 選3門課程 )

  • Foundations of Management

  • Accounting for Management Decisions

  • Marketing: Defined, Planned, Delivered

  • Fundamentals of Finance

  • Introduction to Tourism, Hospitality and Events

  • Introduction to International Business

◆ Diploma of Engineering

  • Programming for Engineers and Scientists

  • Introduction to Electrical and Electronic

  • Engineering

  • Computer Aided Design

  • Engineering Design and Problem Solving

  • Mechanics of Solids

  • Calculus and Different Equations

  • Number Systems and Linear Algebra


  • Statistics for Psychology

  • Human Biosciences B

◆ Diploma of Health Sciences

  • Human Biosciences A

  • Human Biosciences B

  • Communicating in Health Sciences

  • Introduction to Professional Practice

  • Research and Evidence in Health Sciences

  • Learning in Health Sciences

  • Individual Determinants of Health

  • Social Determinants of Health

  • Introduction to Nursing Assessment (Nursing pathway only)

◆ Diploma of Information Technology


  • Fundamentals of Information Technology

  • Data-based Critical Thinking

  • Programming Environment

  • Network Engineering Fundamentals

  • Information Systems

選修課程 ( 選3門課程 )

  • Accounting for Management Decisions

  • Accounting and Finance for Business

  • Business Economics

  • Business Analytics

  • Business Writing

  • Business Foundations

  • Foundations of Management

  • Fundamentals of Finance

  • Introduction to Tourism, Hospitality and Events

  • International Business

  • Marketing: Defined, Planned and Delivered

◆ Diploma of Mass Media and Communications

  • The Emerging Journalist

  • Writing for Media

  • Introduction to Strategic Communication

  • The Interview

  • Introduction to Screen and Sound

  • The Art of Being Human

  • Ideas that Shook the World

  • Making Media




Intake: 2、6、10


Foundation Studies Program


  • 高中第二年完成並達到平均成績60%

  • IELTS 5.5 (各項目不得低於5)

  • TOEFL iBT 55 (寫作不得低於16)

  • 高中三年畢業且達到B或是平均成績70%

  • IELTS 6.0 (各項目不得低於5.5)

  • TOEFL iBT 60 (寫作不得低於20)


  • 申請表格

  • 高中成績單/大學成績單

  • 高中畢業證書/大學畢業證書

  • 英語能力證明

  • 護照影本

  • Personal Statement

  • CV/ Resume


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