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Navitas-Birmingham City University


伯明罕城市大學(Birmingham City University, BCU)是位於英國伯明罕的一所新大學。是該城市三所學校中第二大的大學。歷史可追溯到1843年成立的伯明罕藝術學院,1971年被認定為技校(polytechnic),1992年獲大學地位。該大學有七個校區。該大學有五個優秀科研中心(Centres of Research Excellence), 2008年科研評估認為其有70%的研究達到國際標準,15%為「國際領先」。在藝術與設計領域的研究居於全國前十位,是倫敦之外三大藝術學校之一。研究能力位於全國第63位。


選擇在 Birmingham City University 進修的原因

  • 為學生量身訂制的個人化服務

  • 一對一或是小組學術指導

  • 每學期有廣泛的課外活動及學生活動

  • 學生可以進入線上學習網站幫助學習

  • 每週都有學術支援

  • 學校設有24小時緊急聯絡專線

  • 可以使用大學所有的教學設施含學生會及圖書館


Undergraduate Pathways: 

  • Accountancy, Business & Marketing

  • Architecture, Art & Design

  • Built Environment Studies

  • Economics & Finance

  • Engineering

  • Law

  • Technology


Postgraduate Pathways: 

  • Art & Design

  • Business

  • Law

  • Management

  • Media


Undergraduate Pathway 課程內容

◆ Accountancy, Business & Marketing

  • Accounting

  • Business Management

  • Business Mathematics

  • Business Studies

  • Economics

  • Globalization

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Marketing/HRM (Business and Marketing pathway only)

  • Statistics (Accounting pathway only)

◆ Architecture, Art & Design

  • Creative Workshop

  • Critical Thinking

  • Extended Media Experimentation

  • Information Research, Recording and Responding in Arts & Design

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication & Preparation and Progression in Art and Design

  • Knowledge & Understanding Of Creative Practice In Art & Design

  • Mass Communication

  • Media Experimentation in Art and Design

  • Personal Combined Experimental Studies In Art & Design

◆ Built Environment Studies

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Numerical Techniques 1

  • Physics 1

  • ICT skills

  • Numerical Techniques 2

  • Design Concepts

  • Programming Techniques

  • Business Studies

◆ Economics & Finance

  • Accounting

  • Business Management

  • Business Mathematics

  • Business Studies

  • Economics

  • Globalization

  • Interactive Learning Skills
    and Communication

  • Marketing/HRM (Business and Marketing pathway only)

  • Statistics (Accounting pathway only)

◆ Engineering

  • Design Concepts

  • ICT skills

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Numerical Techniques 1

  • Numerical Techniques 2

  • Physics 1

  • Physics 2

  • Programming Techniques

◆ Law

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Legal Foundations

  • Mass Communications

  • Globalization

  • Introduction to English Legal System

  • Criminal Law

  • Constitutional Law

  • Contract Law

◆ Technology

  • Business Studies

  • Design Concepts

  • ICT skills

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Numerical Techniques 1

  • Numerical Techniques 2

  • Physics 1

  • Programming Techniques

Postgraduate Pathways 課程內容

◆ Art & Design

  • Creative Practice (three semesters only)

  • Critical Thinking for Postgraduate Study

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • ICT Skills for Postgraduate Study

  • Research Methods for Postgraduate Study

  • Final Project

◆ Business

  • Business and Economics

  • Critical Thinking for Postgraduate Study

  • ICT Skills for Postgraduate Study

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Management

  • Research Methods for Postgraduate Study

◆ Law

  • Contract and Commercial Law

  • Critical Thinking*

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • International Perspectives of Human Rights Law

  • Legal Skills and the Legal System

  • Principles of ICT*

  • Research Methods and Skills for Postgraduate Study*

◆ Management

  • Business and Economics

  • Critical Thinking for Postgraduate Study

  • ICT Skills for Postgraduate Study

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Management

  • Research Methods for Postgraduate Study

◆ Media

  • Critical Thinking for Postgraduate Study

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Research Methods for Postgraduate Study

  • Final Project

Undergraduate Pathways 大學預科入學日期

Intake: 9月、 1、5

  • Accountancy, Business & Marketing

  • Architecture, Art & Design

  • Economics & Finance

Intake: 9月、 1

  • Built Environment Studies

  • Engineering

  • Law

  • Technology

Postgraduate Pathways 大學預科入學日期

Intake: 9月、 2、5

  • Art & Design

  • Business

  • Law

  • Management

Intake: 9月、 2

  • Media


Undergraduate Pathways (UPP)

1st Stage: Foundation



Postgraduate Pathways- Pre Master (PMP)

持有與UK National Diploma (HND)同等學歷且是相關科系,

GPA平均達2.3 (滿分4)或同等分數



Undergraduate Pathways 

5.5 (各項目不得低於5)

Postgraduate Pathways- Pre Master (PMP)

6.0 (各項目不得低於5.5)


  • 申請表格

  • 高中成績單/大學成績單

  • 高中畢業證書/大學畢業證書

  • 英語能力證明

  • 護照影本

  • Personal Statement

  • CV/ Resume


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