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Navitas- Plymouth University (PSU) 


普利茅斯州立大學是一所位於美國新罕布希爾州普利茅斯的州立大學。該大學創立於1871年,當時是一所教師學院,稱普利茅斯師範學校(Plymouth Normal School),2003年成為州立大學。 2011/12年泰晤士高等教育排名將其列在世界第150至200位之間,2013年6月大學排名在35位。2014年泰晤士河星期日泰晤士大學排行榜則將其世界排名定為與其他大學並列151。


選擇在 Plymouth University 進修的原因

  • 進入英國最現代化大學之一的銜接課程

  • 小班制教學讓每個學生得到更多個別關注

  • 絕佳的學習位置,並擁有最新進的校園

  • 廣泛的職涯選擇以及畢業生高就業率



Undergraduate Pathways: (2 個學期)

  • Accounting & Finance

  • Architecture & Design

  • Biological & Biomedical Sciences

  • Building Surveying & Construction

  • Computing

  • Economics

  • Engineering & Robotics

  • Environmental Sciences

  • Hospitality

  • Law

  • Maritime Business & Logistics

  • Marketing

  • Navigation, Marine & Ocean

  • Tourism


Postgraduate Pathways: (1~2 個學期)

  • Arts & Media

  • Business

  • Data & Computer Sciences

  • Finance

  • Human Resource Management

  • Tourism & Hospitality


Undergraduate Pathway 課程內容

◆ Accounting & Finance

Stage I

  • Accounting

  • Economics

  • Business Studies

  • Principles of ICT

  • Business Law

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 1

  • Numerical Techniques 1

  • Numerical Techniques 2

Stage II

  • Principles of Economics

  • Business Law

  • Business Foundations

  • Introduction to Marketing

  • Principles of ICT

  • Business Accounting

  • Introduction to Finance and Quantitative Methods

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

◆ Architecture & Design

Stage I

  • Design culture and awareness

  • Practical design skills

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Principles of ICT

  • Academic Writing

◆ Biological & Biomedical Sciences

Stage I

  • Biology

  • Scientific Methods

  • Chemistry

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Numerical Techniques 1

  • Numerical Techniques 2

  • Physics

  • Principles of ICT

Stage II

  • Foundations in Biomedical Sciences

  • Biomolecular Sciences

  • Genetics and Development

  • Human Physiology and Pathophysiology

  • Infection and Immunity

  • Pharmacology and Therapeutics

  • Cellular and Molecular Biomedicine

  • Healthcare Life Science Contexts

◆ Building Surveying & Construction

Stage I

  • Scientific Method

  • Business Studies/Business Management

  • Chemistry

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Numerical Techniques 1

  • Numerical Techniques 2

  • Physics 1

  • Principles of ICT

Stage II

  • Building and the Environment

  • Domestic Construction

  • Environmental Building Science and Technology

  • Construction Applied Mathematics

  • ACAD Draughting

  • Building Law

  • Construction Applications Management

  • Placement Preparation

  • Construction Materials

  • Site Surveying

◆ Computing

Stage I

  • Business and Enterprise/Business Management

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Numerical Techniques 1

  • Physics 1

  • Principles of ICT

  • Programming Techniques

  • Numerical Techniques 1

  • Scientific Method

◆ Economics

Stage I

  • Accounting

  • Business Law

  • Business Studies

  • Economics

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Numerical Techniques 1

  • Numerical Techniques 2

  • Principles of ICT

Stage II

  • Business Accounting (elective)

  • Business Foundations

  • Economics in Action

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Interpreting Economic Data

  • Introduction to Marketing

  • Principles of Economics

  • Principles of ICT

◆ Engineering & Robotics

Stage I

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Numerical Techniques 3

  • Physics 1

  • Physics 2

  • Principles of ICT

  • Programming Techniques/Materials and Mechanics*

  • Scientific Method

◆ Environmental Sciences

Stage I

  • Biology

  • Scientific Methods

  • Chemistry

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Numerical Techniques 1

  • Numerical Techniques 2

  • Physics

  • Principles of ICT

◆ Hospitality

Stage I

  • Accounting

  • Business Law

  • Business Management

  • Business Studies

  • Economics

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Numerical Techniques 1

  • Principles of ICT

◆ Law

Stage I

  • Academic Writing

  • Business and Enterprise

  • Business Law

  • Constitutional Law

  • English Legal System

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Legal Skills

  • Principles of ICT

◆ Maritime Business & Logistics

Stage I

  • Accounting

  • Business Law

  • Business Management

  • Business Studies

  • Economics

  • Interactive learning Skills and Communication

  • Numerical Techniques 1

  • Principles of ICT

◆ Marketing

Stage I

  • Accounting

  • Business Management

  • Business Law

  • Business Studies

  • Economics

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Numerical Techniques 1

  • Principles of ICT

Stage II

  • Building and the Environment

  • Domestic Construction

  • Environmental Building Science and Technology

  • Construction Applied Mathematics

  • ACAD Draughting

  • Building Law

  • Construction Applications Management

  • Placement Preparation

  • Construction Materials

  • Site Surveying

◆ Building Surveying & Construction

Stage I

  • Scientific Method

  • Business Studies/Business Management

  • Chemistry

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Numerical Techniques 1

  • Numerical Techniques 2

  • Physics 1

  • Principles of ICT

Stage II

  • Business Accounting

  • Business Foundations

  • Business Law

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Introduction to Marketing

  • Organizational Behavior

  • Principles of Economics

  • Principles of ICT

◆ Navigation, Marine & Ocean

Stage I

  • Biology

  • Scientific Methods

  • Chemistry

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Numerical Techniques 1

  • Numerical Techniques 2

  • Physics

  • Principles of ICT

◆ Tourism

Stage I

  • Accounting

  • Business Law

  • Business Management

  • Business Studies

  • Economics

  • Numerical Techniques 1

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Principles of ICT

Stage II

  • Business Accounting (elective)

  • Business Foundations

  • Business Law (elective)

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Introduction to Marketing

  • Introduction to Tourism

  • Organizational Behavior (elective)

  • Principles of Economics (elective)

  • Principles of ICT

  • Tourism Environment and Behavior

  • Tourism Industry/The International Hospitality Industry


Postgraduate Pathways 課程內容

◆ Arts & Media

  • Critical Thinking

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Research Methods

  • Dissertation

  • Global Marketing

  • Managing Human resources

◆ Business

  • Academic Writing

  • Critical Thinking

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Research Methods

  • Dissertation*

  • Global Marketing*

  • Managing Human resources*

◆ Data & Computer Sciences

  • Critical Thinking

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Research Methods Dissertation

  • Global Marketing

  • Managing Human resources

◆ Finance

  • Critical Thinking

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication Research

  • Research Methods

  • Dissertation

  • Global Marketing

  • Managing Human resources

◆ Human Resource Management

  • Academic Writing

  • Critical Thinking

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Research Methods

  • Dissertation

  • Global Marketing

  • Managing Human resources

◆ Tourism & Hospitality

  • Critical Thinking

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Research Methods

  • Dissertation

  • Global Marketing

  • Managing Human resources

Undergraduate Pathways 入學日期

Intake: 1月、5、9

  • Accounting & Finance (Stage 1)

  • Economics (Stage 1)

  • Hospitality (Stage 1)

  • Maritime Business & Logistics (Stage 1)

  • Marketing (Stage 1)

  • Tourism (Stage 1)

Intake: 1月、 9

  • Accounting & Finance (Stage 2)

  • Architecture & Design (Stage 1)

  • Biological & Biomedical Sciences (Stage 1)

  • Building Surveying & Construction (Stage 1)

  • Computing (Stage 1)

  • Economics (Stage 2)

  • Engineering & Robotics (Stage 1)

  • Environmental Sciences (Stage 1)

  • Hospitality (Stage 2)

  • Maritime Business & Logistics (Stage 2)

  • Marketing (Stage 2)

  • Navigation, Marine & Ocean (Stage 1)

  • Tourism (Stage 2)

Intake: 9

  • Architecture & Design (Stage 2)

  • Biological & Biomedical Sciences (Stage 2)

  • Building Surveying & Construction (Stage 2)

  • Computing (Stage 2)

  • Engineering & Robotics (Stage 2)

  • Environmental Sciences (Stage 2)

  • Law (Stage 1& 2)

  • Navigation, Marine & Ocean

Postgraduate Pathways 大學預科入學日期

Intake: 1月、5、9

  • Business

  • Human Resource Management

  • Tourism & Hospitality

Intake: 1月、6月、9

  • Arts & Media

  • Finance

  • Data & Computer Sciences (9月開學的只有2學期制的課程)


Undergraduate Pathways 

(Stage 1 : Foundation)

Undergraduate Pathways

(Stage 2:Second Year Degree)

Postgraduate Pathways


高二平均成績達70% / 高三平均成績達60%

Business/ Accounting/ Finance/ Economics/ Hospitality/ Tourism:

  • 高三平均成績達60%

Art & Media:

  • 高三平均成績達75% (不得有任一科低於70%)

  • 個人作品集

Civil Engineering/ Civil & Costal Engineering:

  • 高三理科相關科目(Science/ Technology)平均成績達75%

Environmental Science/ Electronic & Electrical Engineering/ Ocean Science/ Ocean Exploration/ Computing/ Environmental Biology:

  • 高三理科相關科目(Science/ Technology)平均成績達80%



Undergraduate Pathways 

(Stage 1 : Foundation)

Undergraduate Pathways

(Stage 2:Second Year Degree)

Postgraduate Pathways


IELTS:5.5 (所有項目皆不得低於5.5)

IELTS:6.0 (所有項目皆不得低於5.5)

IELTS:6.0 (所有項目皆不得低於5.5)


  • 申請表格

  • 高中成績單/大學成績單

  • 高中畢業證書/大學畢業證書

  • 英語能力證明

  • 護照影本

  • Personal Statement

  • CV/ Resume


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