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Navitas- Simon Fraser University (SFU)



西門菲莎大學是加拿大名校之一,多次在Maclean's Magazine的年度大學排名榜上被評為加拿大最佳綜合學府(1993年、1996年、1997年、1998年、2000年、2008年至2012年,以及2013年,2015年),另外亦經常是該雜誌全國性大學評估的首選之一。在泰晤士世界大學排名(Times Higher Education World University Rankings)與QS世界大學排名中長期名列世界第150~250名 ,在2013世界大學排名(Academic Ranking of World Universities)中SFU位列加拿大大第8名。



  • 珍貴的機會可以進入加拿大名校之一

  • 小班制教學,讓教師可以關注到每一位學生

  • 在全世界評比為最適宜居住的城市中學習

  • 從西門菲莎大學畢業後,可以申請三年的工作簽證居留



Undergraduate Pathways:

  • UTP Stage 1 (2學期)

  • Associate of Arts Degree (2年)

  • UTP Stage II: Arts & Social Sciences

  • UTP Stage II: Business Administration

  • UTP Stage II: Communication, Arts and Technology

  • UTP Stage II: Computing & Science

  • UTP Stage II: Engineering Science

  • UTP Stage II: Environment

  • UTP Stage II: Health Sciences

Postgraduate Programs

  • Pre- Master Program in Engineering

  • Pre- MBA Program


Undergraduate Pathways 課程內容

◆ UTP Stage 1 ( 學生要從所有科目中選8個課程 )

  • Beginning with Algebra

  • Business Management

  • Elementary Formal Logic

  • English Skills/Reading

  • Introduction to Computers and their Applications

  • Introduction to Computing Concepts and Algorithms

  • Introduction to Economics

  • Introduction to Mathematics

  • Introduction to University Life 1

  • Introduction to University Writing

  • World Issues

Undergraduate Programs 課程內容

◆ UTP Stage II: Arts & Social Sciences ( 下列課程中,學生需挑選7個課程 )

  • Brain, Mind and Society

  • Canada since Confederation

  • Comparative Politics

  • Critical Thinking

  • East/West (World Literature)

  • Environmental Economics

  • First Nation Studies

  • Human Geography

  • Introduction to Canadian Law and Legal Institutions

  • Introduction to Criminology

  • Introduction to International Politics

  • Introduction to Politics and Government

  • Introduction to Psychology I

  • Introduction to Psychology II

  • Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences

  • Introduction to the Description of English Grammar

  • Introduction to Linguistics

  • Literary Classics

  • Literature across Cultures

  • Literature and Culture

  • Principles of Macroeconomics

  • Principles of Microeconomics

  • The Social History of Canada

  • The Wonder of Words


  • Behavior in Organizations

  • Calculus I

  • Calculus II

  • Calculus I for the Social Sciences

  • Communication and Social Change

  • Contemporary Health Issues

  • Discrete Mathematics I

  • Financial Accounting

  • Global Perspectives on Health

  • Graphic Design

  • Introduction to Biology

  • Introduction to Communication Studies

  • Introduction to Computer Programming I

  • Introduction to Computer Programming II

  • Pre-calculus

  • Studio Physics

◆ UTP Stage II: Business Administration


  • Introduction to Business

  • Business Writing Essentials

  • Calculus I for the Social Sciences

  • Critical Thinking

  • Financial Accounting I

  • Literary Classics or Literature and Culture

  • Principles of Macroeconomics

  • Principles of Microeconomics

  • Behavior in Organizations

選修課程 ( 學生可挑選 2 個課程 ):

  • Introduction to Communication Studies

  • Communication and Social Change

  • Introduction to Computer Programming I

  • Discrete Mathematics I

  • Society, Space, Environment: Introducing Human Geography

  • Graphic Design

  • Studio Physics - Mechanics and Modern Physics

  • Studio Physics - Optics, Electricity and Magnetism

  • Introduction to Psychology I

  • Introduction to Psychology II

  • Pre-calculus*

  • Behavior in Organizations

  • Environmental Economics

  • Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences

  • Introduction to the Description of English Grammar

  • Introduction to Linguistics

◆ UTP Stage II: Communication, Arts and Technology


  • Calculus I

  • Calculus II

  • Discrete Mathematics

  • Introduction to Computer Programming I

  • Introduction to Computer Programming II

  • Literary Classics or Literature and Culture

選修課程 ( 學生需挑選 4 個課程 ):

  • Applied Linear Algebra

  • Behavior in Organizations

  • Brain, Mind and Society

  • Canada Since Confederation

  • Communication and Social Change

  • Comparative Politics

  • Contemporary Health Issues

  • Critical Thinking

  • East/West (World Literature)

  • Environmental Economics

  • Global Perspectives on Health

  • Graphic Design

  • Introduction to Biology

  • Introduction to Canadian Law and Legal Institutions

  • Introduction to Communication Studies

  • Introduction to Criminology

  • Introduction to International Politics

  • Introduction to Politics and Government

  • Introduction to Psychology I

  • Introduction to Psychology II

  • Introduction to the Description of English Grammar

  • Literature across Cultures

  • Principles of Macroeconomics

  • Principles of Microeconomics

  • Studio Physics

  • The Social History of Canada

  • The Wonder of Words

◆ UTP Stage II: Engineering Science


  • Applied Linear Algebra

  • Calculus I

  • Calculus II

  • Engineering Science and Society

  • Introduction to Computer Programming I

  • Introduction to Computer Programming II

  • Introduction to Engineering Analysis

  • Process, Form and Convention in Professional Genre

  • Studio Physics - Mechanics and Modern Physics

  • Studio Physics - Optics, Electricity and Magnetism

◆ UTP Stage II: Environment


  • Ancient People and Places

  • Society, Space, Environment: Introducing Human Geography


  • Brain, Mind and Society

  • Literary Classics

  • Literature and Culture

選修課程 ( 學生需挑選 5 個課程,且至少一個是 “Q”課程 ):

  • Calculus I (or Calculus for the Social Sciences I, or Pre-Calculus) (Q)

  • Discrete Mathematics I (Q)

  • Canada Since Confederation

  • Comparative Politics

  • Contemporary Health Issues

  • Environmental Economics (Q)

  • Global Perspectives on Health

  • Introduction to Biology

  • Introduction to Canadian Law and Legal Institutions

  • Introduction to Computing Science and Programming I (Q)

  • Introduction to Criminology

  • Introduction to International Politics

  • Introduction to Politics and Government

  • Introduction to Psychology I

  • Principles of Macroeconomics (Q)

  • Principles of Microeconomics (Q)

  • The Social History of Canada

◆ UTP Stage II: Health Sciences


  • Brain, Mind and Society

  • Contemporary Health Issues

  • Global Perspectives on Health

  • Introduction to Biology

  • Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences

選修課程 ( 每一組別不可選超過兩個課程 ):

Group One:

  • Principles of Macroeconomics

  • Principles of Microeconomics

  • Environmental Economics

  • Calculus I

  • Calculus II

  • Calculus for the Social Sciences I

  • Pre-Calculus

Group Two:

  • Literary Classics

  • Literature and Culture

  • Canada Since Confederation

  • East West Literature

  • Literature Across Cultures

  • The Social History of Canada

Group Three:

  • Introduction to Canadian Law and Legal Institutions

  • Introduction to Communication Studies

  • Introduction to Criminology

  • Introduction to Linguistics

  • Introduction to Politics and Government

  • Introduction to Psychology I

  • Introduction to Psychology II

  • Wonder of Words


Postgraduate Programs 課程內容

  • Pre- Master Program in Engineering

  • Introduction to Engineering Design Optimization

  • Finite Element Analysis, and

  • Manufacturing Systems

  • Research and Publication Methods

  • Engineering in the Canadian Context, and

  • Any other technical graduate courses offered from MSE.

  • Advanced Modeling and Prototyping

  • Product Realization Project I

  • Product Realization Project II

  • Graduate Co-Operative Education

  • Pre- MBA Program

Summer Semester 夏季課程

  • Intercultural Issues in Graduate Communications

  • Introduction to Business Skills: Statistics and Accounting

  • Introduction to Collaborative Work Environments

  • Academic Literacy in Context: Business Writing

  • Case Competition Capstone

Fall Semester 秋季課程

  • Business Ethics

  • Data and Decisions

  • Managerial Economics

  • Managing People

  • Financial Management

  • Financial/Managerial Accounting


Spring Semester 春季課程

  • Marketing

  • Managing Information Systems

  • Leadership & Teamwork

  • Negotiations

  • Managing a Globalized Workforce

  • Managing Global Enterprises

Summer Semester 夏季課程

  • Operations

  • Sustainability

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Innovation and Creativity in Business

  • Business Strategy

Fall Semester 秋季課程

  • Internship




Undergraduate Pathways入學日期

Intake: 1、5、9

  • UTP Stage 1 ( 2學期 )

  • Associate of Arts Degree (2年)

  • UTP Stage II: Arts & Social Sciences

  • UTP Stage II: Business Administration

  • UTP Stage II: Communication, Arts and Technology

  • UTP Stage II: Computing & Science

  • UTP Stage II: Engineering Science

  • UTP Stage II: Environment

  • UTP Stage II: Health Sciences

Postgraduate Programs入學日期

Intake: 5月

  • Pre- Master Program in Engineering

  • Pre- MBA Program


Undergraduate Pathways (Stage 1)


Undergraduate Pathways (Stage 2)

Computer Science

  • 高中畢業且第三年4科主科平均成績70%(數學最低75%且至少含一門理科)

  • A Level- Math: B Grade & Science: C Grade

  • IB 22(一定要有數學和一門理科)

Engineering Science/Environment (Science)

  • 高中畢業且第三年4科主科平均成績75%(數學最低75%且至少含兩門理科)

  • A Level- Math: B Grade & 2門Science: C Grade

  • IB 24 (一定要有數學和兩門理科)


  • 高中畢業且第三年平均成績達B

  • A Level- 2x C Grade

  • IB 22

Pre-Master Programs (PMP)


  • 大學畢業且就讀相關科系

  • GPA 3.0 (滿分4.33); 平均成績達80%


  • 大學畢業

  • GMAT: 500

  • 工作經驗2.5年

  • 通過Skype Interview


Stage 1&2




6.0 (各項不得低於5.5)

6.5 (各項不得低於6.0)

6.0 (各項不得低於6.0)



88 (各項目不得低於20)


  • 申請表格

  • 高中成績單/大學成績單

  • 高中畢業證書/大學畢業證書

  • 英語能力證明

  • 護照影本

  • Personal Statement

  • CV/ Resume


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