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Navitas- University of Northampton 


北安普頓大學是英國的一所公立大學,位於英格蘭中部的北安普頓,現有 Park 和 Avenue 兩個校區。前身始於1924年成立的北安普頓技術學院 (Northampton Technical College),1975年合併教育學院後,改稱奈恩高等教育學院(取名自流經北安普頓郡的奈恩河,由時任教育與科學大臣的柴契爾夫人主持新校名揭幕)。1994年和1997年先後繼續合併 the Leathersellers College 和 the Sir Gordon Roberts College of Nursing and Midwifery,1999年起稱為北安普頓大學學院(University College Northampton)。2004年11月更名為北安普頓大學。樞密院司法委員會為此特別撤消了英王亨利三世於1265年簽署的皇家法令。該法令禁止在北安普頓成立大學,以懲罰在劉易斯戰役(Battle of Lewes)中與英王作對的孟福爾伯爵的支持者。


選擇就讀 University of Northampton的原因

  • 絕佳的地理位置: 離倫敦市中心僅一小時火車車程,且鄰近牛津、劍橋及伯明罕. 北安普敦是絕佳的住宿、學習和探索的好地方

  • 北安普頓大學的畢業生,有著絕佳的就業成績:學校就業率為96%

  • 北安普頓大學提供超過60種不同的學位課程,讓學生可以選擇最適合自己的方向


Undergraduate Pathways: 

  • Accounting & Finance

  • Business & Entrepreneurship

  • Engineering

  • Fashion Marketing

  • Law & International Relations

  • Leather Technology

  • Marketing & Advertising

  • Science & Healthcare


Postgraduate Pathways: 

  • Pre-Master (MBA)


Undergraduate Pathway 課程內容

◆ Accounting & Finance

  • Business Studies

  • Accounting

  • Globalization

  • Business Management

  • Marketing

  • Business Mathematics

  • HRM

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 1

◆ Business & Entrepreneurship

Stage I

  • Business Studies

  • Accounting

  • Globalization

  • Business Management

  • Marketing

  • Business Mathematics

  • HRM

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 1

Stage II

  • Business Environment / Context

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 2

  • Marketing Fundamentals

  • Opportunity and Enterprise

◆ Engineering

  • Numerical Techniques 1

  • Physics 1

  • ICT Skills

  • Numerical Techniques 2

  • Physics 2

  • Problem Solving, Creative and Analytical Thinking

  • Programming Techniques

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

◆ Fashion Marketing

Stage I

  • Business Studies

  • Accounting

  • Globalization

  • Business Management

  • Marketing

  • Business Mathematics

  • HRM

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 1

Stage II

  • Fashion Through Time

  • 21st Century Fashion

  • Opportunity and Enterprise

  • Marketing Fundamentals

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 2

◆ Law & International Relations

  • Constitutional Law

  • Globalization

  • Contract Law and Tort

  • Criminal Law

  • Introduction to the English Legal System

  • Mass Communication

  • Business Studies

◆ Leather Technology

  • Analytical and Numerical Techniques

  • Business Studies

  • ICT Skills

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Introduction to Life Systems 1

  • Introduction to Life Systems 2

  • Problem Solving, Creative and Analytical Thinking

  • Science

◆ Marketing & Advertising

Stage I

  • Business Studies

  • Accounting

  • Globalization

  • Business Management

  • Marketing

  • Business Mathematics

  • HRM

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 1

Stage II

  • Marketing Fundamentals

  • Accounting and Finance

  • Opportunity and Enterprise

  • Introduction to Marketing Communications

  • Business Environment/Context

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 2

◆ Science & Healthcare

  • Analytical and Numerical Techniques

  • Business Studies

  • ICT Skills

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Introduction to Life Systems 1

  • Introduction to Life Systems 2

  • Problem Solving, Creative and Analytical Thinking

  • Science


Postgraduate Pathways 課程內容

◆ Pre-Master (MBA)

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication for Postgraduate Study

  • Mini-dissertation

  • Research Methods for Postgraduate Study

  • Principles of Business and Management

Undergraduate Pathways 入學日期

Intake: 1月、5、9

  • Business & Entrepreneurship (Stage 1)


Intake: 1月、 9

  • Accounting & Finance

  • Business & Entrepreneurship (Stage 2)

  • Engineering

  • Fashion Marketing (Stage 1)

  • Law & International Relations

  • Leather Technology

  • Marketing & Advertising (Stage 1& 2)

  • Science & Healthcare

Intake: 9

  • Fashion Marketing  (Stage 2)

Postgraduate Pathways 入學日期

Intake: 1月、5、9

  • Pre-Master (MBA)


Undergraduate Pathways

(Stage 1 : Foundation)

  • 高二平均成績達60%

  • 80 UCAS points from A/AS Level

  • IB: Five grades at level 4 or completion of IB certificate

Undergraduate Pathways

(Stage 2 : First Year Degree)

  • 高三平均成績達60% 或是GSAT 達50%

  • 120 UCAS points from A/AS Level

  • IB with 24 points

Postgraduate Pathways

(Pre Master)

大學畢業且平均成績達C Grade








Undergraduate Pathway 

Postgraduate pathway

Stage 1 (University Foundation) & Stage 2 (First Year Degree)

Stage 1 (Pre-Master's)

5.5 (各項不得低於5.5)

6.0 (各項不得低於5.5)

Grade D

Grade D

Grade C

Grade C

Standard level 4

Higher level 4


  • 申請表格

  • 高中成績單

  • 高中畢業證書

  • 英語能力證明

  • 護照影本

  • Personal Statement

  • CV/ Resume


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