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Navitas- University of Hertfordshire







  • 2015年度英國衛報評比赫特福德大學為英國年度進步最多學校之一,比起前一次排名向前16名

  • 學校坐落於歷史悠久的赫特福德郡,且離倫敦市中心僅25分鐘火車車程

  • 赫特福德大學提供許多英國名校運動設施和世界級且可容納1500人的娛樂休閒場所

  • 赫特福德大學的預科課程讓學生可以獲得於與倫比的學術支持

  • 小班制教學及課後輔導課程

  • 赫特福德大學擁有在英國教授預科課程最長的歷史,其教學經驗特別豐富



Undergraduate Pathways: (2 個學期)

  • Business

  • Computer Science

  • Creative Arts

  • Engineering & Technology

  • Law

  • Life & Medical Sciences

  • Mass Communication

  • Physics, Astronomy& Mathematics


Postgraduate Pathways: (1 個學期)

  • Business

  • Creative Arts

  • Life & Medical Sciences


Undergraduate Pathway 課程內容

◆ Business (1~2學期)

Stage I (1學期)

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication (ILSC)

  • Principles of ICT

  • Business Studies

  • Introduction to Mass Communications

Stage I (2學期)

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication (ILSC)

  • Principles of ICT

  • Globalization

  • Business Management

  • Business Studies

  • Introduction to Mass Communications

  • Introduction to Accounting

  • Introduction to Economics

◆ Computer Science

Stage I (1學期)

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication (ILSC)

  • Principles of Computing

  • Mathematics 1

  • Business Studies

Stage I (2學期)

  • Mathematics 2

  • Mass Communications

  • Programming

  • Statistics

◆ Creative Arts (1~2學期)

Stage I (1學期)

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication(ILSC)

  • Principles of Computing

  • Practical Study Skills

  • Introduction to Art, Design, Film and Media

Stage I (2學期)

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication(ILSC)

  • Principles of Computing

  • Practical Study Skills

  • Introduction to Art, Design, Film and Media

  • Business Studies

  • Introduction to Mass Communications

  • Specialist Project (Double Module)

◆ Engineering & Technology

Stage I (1學期)

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication (ILSC)

  • Principles of Computing

  • Mathematics 1

  • Physics 1

Stage I (2學期)

  • Mathematics 2

  • Physics 2

  • Programming

  • Statistics

◆ Law (1~2學期)

Stage I (1學期)

  • Introduction to Contract Law

  • Introduction to Criminal Law

  • Legal Method and Skills

  • Constitutional and Administrative Law

  • Principles of Computing

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication (ILSC)

Stage I (2學期)

  • Business Studies

  • Introduction to Mass Communications

  • Principles of Computing

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication (ILSC)

  • Introduction to Contract Law

  • Introduction to Criminal Law

  • Legal Method and Skills

  • Constitutional and Administrative Law


◆ Life & Medical Sciences

Stage I (1學期)

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication (ILSC)

  • Principles of Computing

  • Chemistry A

  • Maths 1

Stage I (2學期)

  • Biology A

  • Biology B

  • Chemistry B

  • Maths 2

◆ Mass Communication  (1~2學期)

Stage I (1學期)

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication (ILSC)

  • Principles of ICT

  • Business Studies

  • Introduction to Mass Communications

Stage I (2學期)

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication (ILSC)

  • Principles of ICT

  • Globalization

  • Business Management

  • Business Studies

  • Introduction to Mass Communications

  • Introduction to Accounting

  • Introduction to Economics

◆ Physics, Astronomy& Mathematics

Stage I (1學期)

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication (ILSC)

  • Principles of Computing

  • Mathematics 1

  • Physics 1

Stage I (2學期)

  • Mathematics 2

  • Physics 2

  • Programming

  • Statistics


Postgraduate Pathways 課程內容

◆ Business

  • Research Methods and Skills

  • Economics Environment for Business

  • Business Strategy

  • Human Resource Management

  • Academic Writing


◆ Creative Arts (1~2學期)


  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication (ILSC)

  • Academic Writing

  • Pre-Masters Specialist Project 2 (Double Module)


  • Advanced Practical Study Skills

  • Mass Communications

  • Pre-Masters Specialist Project 1 (Double Module)

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication (ILSC)

  • Academic Writing

  • Pre-Masters Specialist Project 2 (Double Module)


◆ Life & Medical Sciences


  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication (ILSC)

  • Chemistry 1

  • Biology 2

  • Biology 3

  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry

  • Academic Writing

  • Economic Environment of Business

  • Business Strategy

  • Human Resource Management


  • Research Methods and Skills

  • Academic Writing

  • Mathematics

  • Biology 1

  • Chemistry 1

  • Economic Environment of Business

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication (ILSC)

  • Biology 2

  • Biology 3

  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry

  • Human Resource Management

  • Business Strategy

Undergraduate Pathways 入學日期

Intake: 1月、5、9

  • Business

  • Law

Intake: 1月、 5

  • Creative Arts (1學期制)

  • Mass Communication (1學期制)

Intake: 19

  • Computer Science

  • Creative Arts (2學期制)

  • Engineering & Technology

  • Life & Medical Sciences

  • Mass Communication (2學期制)

  • Physics, Astronomy& Mathematics

Postgraduate Pathways 入學日期

Intake: 1月、5、9

  • Business

Intake: 1月、5

  • Creative Arts (1學期制)

  • Life & Medical Sciences (1學期制)


Intake: 19

  • Creative Arts (2學期制)

  • Life & Medical Sciences (2學期制)


Undergraduate Pathways

(Stage 1 : Foundation)


Undergraduate Pathways

(Stage 2 : First Year Degree)

高中畢業且平均成績達 70%

Postgraduate Pathways

(Pre Master)

大學畢業且平均成績達C Grade


Stage 1 University Foundation

Stage 2 First Year Degree

Stage 1 Pre-Masters

IELTS 5.5 (各項不得低於5.5) 或其他同等於UKIV測驗之成績

IELTS 6.0 (各項不得低於5.5) 或其他同等於UKIV測驗之成績

IELTS 5.5 (各項不得低於5.5) 或其他同等於UKIV測驗之成績


  • 申請表格

  • 高中成績單

  • 高中畢業證書

  • 英語能力證明

  • 護照影本

  • Personal Statement

  • CV/ Resume


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