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Navitas- University of Canterbury (UCIC)



坎特伯雷大學擁有七個學院:藝術、商業、工程、法律、音樂與美術、林業、科學,共分38個系,該校有紐西蘭最大的教育學院以及成立最早的工程學院,享有國內和國際聲譽。坎特伯雷大學擁有一流的設施與資源。圖書館系統包括紐西蘭南島最大的綜合性中心圖書館和四個專業圖書館,館藏圖書共計一百多萬卷、冊。該校有1900多名研究生。 坎特伯雷大學排名世界前200名,畢業生遍布世界各地。


選擇在University of Canterbury進修的原因

  • 最快速的路徑進入紐西蘭最佳及最有名氣之大學學習

  • 學校提供廣泛的服務及課程,讓學生可以確保實現自身的學術潛力

  • 小班制教學讓老師更能關注到每一位學生

  • 絕佳的學習位置: 在基督城中綠意盎然的校園

  • 學校鄰近群山及海邊,讓學生可以有更廣泛的戶外休閒活動



Undergraduate Pathways: (2學期)

  • Foundation Studies Certificate


Undergraduate Program: (3學期)

  • Mixed English Academic Program


University Transfer Programs (UTP): (2~3 學期)

  • Commerce

  • Engineering

  • Science


Undergraduate Pathways 課程內容

◆ Foundation Studies Certificate 

Core Course核心課程:

  • Communication Skills II

  • Communication Skills III

  • Introduction to Computing


Optional Course選修課程: (學生先選定一個科系主流,然後從其中選三門課)

Business stream

  • Accounting

  • Economics

  • Mathematics

  • Statistics

  • Management

  • Marketing

  • Legal Studies

Engineering stream

  • Advanced Mathematics I

  • Advanced Mathematics II

  • Physics

Science stream

  • Chemistry

  • Physics

  • Introduction to Biology

  • Introduction to Human Biology

  • Mathematics or Statistics

Information Technology stream

  • Information Design

  • Programming

  • Introduction to Systems Analysis

Arts and Mass Communication stream

  • Information Design

  • Mass Communication I

  • Mass Communication II

Elective Course: (根據Optional Course所選的領域,挑選2門相關課程)

  • Economics

  • Accounting

  • Mathematics

  • Statistics

  • Management

  • Marketing

  • Legal Studies

  • Information Design

  • Programming

  • Introduction to Systems Analysis

  • Mass Communication I

  • Mass Communication II

  • Introduction to Biology

  • Introduction to Human Biology

  • Chemistry

  • Physics

  • Advanced Mathematics I

  • Advanced Mathematics II

Undergraduate Programs 課程內容

◆ Mixed English Academic Program (MEAP)

MEAP是結合大學轉學課程(UTP)和海外求學的課程. 課程主要是設計給學生一邊進行學術課程,一邊修密集英語課程

MEAP Entrance Requirements


Available Specializations available to MEAP students

University Transfer Programs 課程內容

◆ Commerce


  • Accounting

  • Economics

  • Information Systems

  • Management

  • Statistics


  • Financial Accounting

  • Macroeconomics

  • Management Science

  • Marketing

  • Maths


◆ Engineering


  • Foundations of Engineering

  • Engineering Physics (Mechanics, Waves and Thermal Physics)

  • Engineering Mathematics (two courses)

  • Mathematical Modelling and Computation


  • Chemistry

  • Engineering Mechanics and Materials

  • Computer Programming

  • Engineering Physics (Electromagnetism and Modern Physics)


◆ Science

必修課程:學生必須從下列主科領域選擇8個課程 (某些主科會提供超過2個課程)

  • Astronomy

  • Biochemistry

  • Biology

  • Chemistry

  • Computer Science

  • Geography

  • Geology

  • Mathematics

  • Physics

  • Statistics



Foundation Studies Certificates入學日期

Intake: 2,6月,10月

University Transfer Programs 入學日期

Intake: 2月,6月,10月

  • Commerce

  • Science

Intake: 2月,10月

  • Engineering





TOEFL Internet





Chemical Engineering, Process Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Engineering, Forest Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Natural Resources Engineering


Accounting, Business, Commerce, Economics, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, Operations, Supply Chain Management, Strategy and Entrepreneurship, International Business


Astronomy, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Geography, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics


Foundation Studies Certificate

  • 高中2年級並且4科主科平均成績達70%

  • International Baccalaureate: Successful completion of Year 1 of IB

  • IELTS 5.5 (各科不低於5.0) / TOEFL iBT 69

Mixed English Academic Program (MEAP)

  • 高中畢業並達到IELTS 5.0 (Reading & Writing 不得低淤5.0且 Listening & Speaking 不得低於 4.5)

  • TOEFL iBT 59

University Transfer Programs


  • At least 20 points over 6 IB units. Successful completion of IB Certificate (or less than 6 subjects) may be considered.

  • GCE A levels with passes in 2 academic subjects (minimum of 3 points)

  • 高中畢業,且4科主科平均成績達70%

Engineering& Science

Engineering & Science (Physical):

  • At least 22 points over 6 IB units. Successful completion of IB Certificate (or less than 6 subjects) may be considered.

  • GCE A levels with passes in 3 academic subjects (minimum of 3 points)

  • 高中畢業,且4科主科平均成績達75%

Science (General):

  • International Baccalaureate Diploma score of at least 20 points over 6 IB units. Students expected to have completed some subjects relevant to their intended specialization. Successful completion of IB Certificate (or less than 6 subjects) may be considered

  • GCE A levels with passes in 2 academic subjects (minimum of 3 points)

  • 高中畢業,且4科主科平均成績達70%


  • 申請表格

  • 中文&英文版高中成績單

  • 高中畢業證書

  • 英語能力證明

  • 護照影本

  • Statement of Purpose

  • CV/ Resume

  • 財力證明書


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