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Navitas- Sydney Institute of Business & Technology in associate with Macquarie University


Sydney Institute of Business and Technology (SIBT) 提供直升大學學位課程的銜接課程和大學程度的文憑課程,學院有著彈性的入學門檻,讓學生可以完成文憑課程後,升讀大學學位第二年的課程。SIBT坐落於雪梨市中心,有著簡單易懂且方便的大眾交通運輸工具可以前往校區,而校園內也提供一切學生所需的設施及服務項目。



選擇在Sydney Institute of Business & Technology進修的原因

  • 自1997年開始,招收超過25,000名學生,超過90%的SIBT學生成功升讀大學課程

  • 彈性的開學日期,且提供8到12個月的課程,幫助學生省下更多的時間

  • SIBT在學生協助這服務項目的調查獲得超過90%的滿意度

  • 學校可以提供客製化的學習方式,學生可以擁有額外的指導課程,熱心助人的同儕,和直接尋求講師在英語課程方面的支持

  • 絕佳的學習位置:雪梨市中心,有著方便的大眾運輸交通工具,學生有多種交通工具選項去到學校,且學校也提供各種學生所需的設施以及服務項目



Foundation Program

  • Standard ( 2學期 )

  • Extended ( 3學期 )

Diploma Programs 

  • Advanced Diploma of Business Administration ( 2~4學期

  • Advanced Diploma of Commerce ( 3~4學期 )

  • Advanced Diploma of Information Technology ( 3~4學期 )

  • Associate Degree of Business ( 6學期,共2 )

  • Diploma of Arts ( 2~3學期 )

  • Diploma of Commerce ( 2~3學期 )

  • Diploma of Engineering ( 2~3學期 )

  • Diploma of Hospitality Management ( 2學期 )

  • Diploma of Information Technology ( 2~3學期 )

  • Diploma of Media & Communication ( 2~3學期 )


Foundation Program 課程內容

◆ Standard 核心課程

  • Advanced Academic Communication Skills

  • Intercultural Studies

  • Information Technology

  • Advanced Academic Writing and Research

◆ Extended 核心課程

  • Introduction to Academic Communication

  • Introduction to Academic Reading and Writing

  • Computing Skills

  • Advanced Academic Communication Skills

  • Intercultural Studies

  • Information Technology

  • Advanced Academic Writing and Research

  • Essential Mathematics OR Mass Communication

◆ Standard & Extended 選修課程 ( 選擇其中一個領域並修畢4門課程 )

Arts and Communications

  • Society and Culture

  • Law

  • Media

  • Mass Communication*

  • Management

  • Marketing

Commerce and Business

  • Introduction to Systems Analysis

  • Economics

  • Essential Mathematics*

  • Mathematics 1

  • Mathematics 2

  • Accounting

  • Management

  • Marketing

Science, IT and Engineering

  • Introduction to Systems Analysis

  • Essential Mathematics

  • Mathematics 1

  • Mathematics 2

  • Physics

  • Management

  • Chemistry

  • Marketing

Diploma Programs 課程內容

◆ Advanced Diploma of Business Administration

核心課程 ( 第一年 )

  • Writing and Research for Business and Commerce

  • Accounting for Business Management

  • Management Fundamentals

  • Market Microeconomic Principles

  • Human Resources Management

  • Principles of Marketing

  • Principles of Business Information Systems

  • Business Information Technology*

核心課程 ( 第二年 )

  • Management Accounting

  • Introduction to Business Law

選修課程 ( 學生須選修3門課程 ) 

  • Financial Theory and Techniques Management

  • Introduction to Statistics

  • Market Macroeconomic Principles

  • Global Business Perspective

  • Marketing Demographics

  • Reasoning and Argument

◆ Advanced Diploma of Commerce

核心課程 ( 第一年 )

  • Writing and Research for Business and Commerce

  • Accounting A

  • Accounting B

  • Financial Theory and Techniques Management

  • Management Fundamentals

  • Market Microeconomic Principles

  • Introduction to Statistics

核心課程 ( 第二年 )

  • Management Accounting

  • Introduction to Business Law

選修課程 ( 學生須選修3門課程 ) 

  • Principles of Finance

  • Human Resources Management

  • Market Macroeconomic Principles

  • Principles of Marketing

  • Reasoning and Argument

  • Mathematics A

  • Investment Management

  • Global Business Perspective

  • Marketing Demographics

  • Reasoning and Argument

◆ Advanced Diploma of Information Technology

核心課程 ( 第一年 )

  • Writing and Research for Science and Engineering

  • Digital Media Principles

  • Principles of Business Information Systems

  • Introduction to Programming

  • Introduction to Software Design

  • Systems Design and Data Management

核心課程 ( 第二年 )

  • Introduction to Web Technology

  • Fundamentals of Database Systems

選修課程 ( 學生須選修 4 門課程 ) 

  • Fundamentals of Digital Technology and Design

  • Mathematics A

  • Introduction to Statistics

  • Fundamentals of Discrete Maths

  • Reasoning and Argument

◆ Associate Degree of Business

核心課程 ( 第一年 )

  • Writing and Research for Business and Commerce

  • Accounting for Business Management

  • Management Fundamentals

  • Market Microeconomic Principles

  • Human Resources Management

  • Principles of Marketing

  • Principles of Business Information Systems

核心課程 ( 第二年 )

  • Management Accounting

  • Introduction to Business Law

  • Organization Structures and Models

  • Recruitment and Selection

選修課程 ( 學生須選修5門課程,其中4門必須是第二年課程 ) 

First year level units

  • Financial Theory and Techniques Management

  • Introduction to Statistics

  • Market Macroeconomic Principles

  • Reasoning and Argument

Second year level units

  • Global Business Perspective

  • Marketing Demographics

  • Buyer Behaviors

  • Marketing Research

  • Investment Management

◆ Diploma of Arts


  • Writing and Research for Arts and Communication

  • Ideas and Society

  • Reasoning and Argument

  • Understanding International Communication

  • Culture, Media and Communication

選修課程 ( 學生須選修 3 門課程 ) 

  • Understanding Crime and Criminality

  • Language as Communication

  • National and Global Media

  • Digital Media Principles

◆ Diploma of Commerce


  • Writing and Research for Business and Commerce

  • Accounting A

  • Accounting B

  • Financial Theory and Techniques Management

  • Management Fundamentals

  • Market Microeconomic Principles

  • Introduction to Statistics

選修課程 ( 學生須選修 1 門課程 ) 

  • Principles of Finance

  • Human Resources Management

  • Market Macroeconomic Principles

  • Principles of Marketing

  • Mathematics A


◆ Diploma of Engineering


  • Writing and Research for Science and Engineering

  • Fundamentals of Digital Technology and Design

  • Foundations of Mathematics / MATH100 Mathematics A

  • Fundamentals of Engineering Studies

  • Mathematics A/ MATH101 Mathematics B

  • Introduction to Programming

  • Physics

  • Introduction to Software Design

◆ Diploma of Hospitality Management


  • Writing and Research for Hospitality Management

  • Management in the Service Industry

  • Principles of Marketing

  • Accounting for Business Management

選修課程 ( 全選 ) 

  • The Hospitality Industry

  • Event Management

  • Human Resources Management

  • Management Fundamentals

◆ Diploma of Information Technology


  • Writing and Research for Science and Engineering

  • Digital Media Principles

  • Principles of Business Information Systems

  • Introduction to Programming

  • Introduction to Software Design

  • Systems Design and Data Management

選修課程 ( 學生須選修 2 門課程 ) 

  • Fundamentals of Digital Technology and Design

  • Introduction to Statistics

  • Mathematics A

  • Fundamentals of Discrete Maths

◆ Diploma of Media & Communication


  • Writing and Research for Arts and Communication

  • Understanding International Communication

  • Cross Cultural Communication

  • National and Global Media

  • Culture, Media and Communication

  • Language as Communication

  • Digital Media Principles

選修課程 ( 學生須選修 1 門課程 ) 

  • Reasoning and Argument

  • Ideas and Society


Intake: 2、6、10

Foundation Program

  • Standard ( 2學期 )

  • Extended ( 3學期 )

Diploma Programs 

  • Advanced Diploma of Business Administration ( 2~4學期

  • Advanced Diploma of Commerce ( 3~4學期 )

  • Advanced Diploma of Information Technology ( 3~4學期 )

  • Associate Degree of Business ( 6學期,共2 )

  • Diploma of Arts ( 2~3學期 )

  • Diploma of Commerce ( 2~3學期 )

  • Diploma of Engineering ( 2~3學期 )

  • Diploma of Hospitality Management ( 2學期 )

  • Diploma of Information Technology ( 2~3學期 )

  • Diploma of Media & Communication ( 2~3學期 )


Foundation Program

Diploma Program

  • 高二4科主科平均成績達60%

  • IB Aggregate < 21

  • 高三4科主科平均成績達60%

  • Aggregate mark 21 and above


Extended Foundation Program

Standard Foundation Program







Pearsons Test of English



Provisional Entry Program

Direct entry into diploma


5.5 (各項目不得低於4.5;寫作最低5.0)

6.0 (各項目不得低於5.5)




Pearsons Test of English




  • 申請表格

  • 高中成績單

  • 高中畢業證書

  • 英語能力證明

  • 護照影本

  • Personal Statement

  • CV/ Resume


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