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Navitas- Curtin University


科廷大學是位於澳洲西澳大利亞州的治所伯斯之公立大學,1967年創校;1986年升格為大學,並重新命名為「Curtin」,取自於前澳洲總理約翰·科廷(John Curtin)之名。

2013年獲英倫《泰晤士報》選為全球排名第284,其工商管理碩士課程(MBA)為亞太地區第八名;2010年1月科廷商學院,在西班牙世界大學網路排名的商學院排名中,全澳排名第十。2008年學生總數有38,636名,研究生人數有8,808;海外留學生以東南亞為主,有2,000餘人。科廷大學亦是全澳洲只有六所大學提供專業精算學課程的其中之一。另外,以伯斯為首的城市持續發展,其造價工程師專業(construction management and economics)在澳洲業界享有盛名。

選擇就讀 Curtin University 的原因

  • 科廷大學自2000年以來,已有超過8,000名學生成功從銜接課程修畢並升讀科廷大學

  • 科廷大學被評比為澳洲西部最具創新的大學

  • 2014年度的《QS星級評價》,科廷大學榮獲全方位五星的傑出獎項

  • 科廷大學為全世界最國際化的大學之一,擁有全澳洲大學中第三大國際學生群體.

  • 2015年度《英國泰晤士高等教育》評比科廷大學在一百所最國際化校園中排名第10

  • 2014年度《QS世界大學科目排名》,在所有校史50年以內的大學中排名第25名,也是澳洲西部大學唯一一所入榜的大學

  • 科廷大學在澳洲排名第11名,並且是全球大學中世界學術大學《Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU)》排名前2%的學校.其工程、科技以及資訊工程領域更是全球前200大



Undergraduate Diploma :

  • Business & Commerce

  • Engineering

  • Exercise Sports & Rehabilitation Science

  • Health Sciences

  • Human Biology Preclinical

  • Laboratory Medicine

  • Molecular Genetics & Biotechnology

  • Nursing

  • Nutrition

  • Occupational Therapy

  • Pharmacy

  • Physiotherapy

  • Psychology

  • Built Environment (Architecture & Construction)

  • Arts & Creative Industries

  • Computer Science & Information Technology


Undergraduate Pathways 課程內容

◆ Business & Commerce

Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 1)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Academic Communication Skills

  • Academic Research and Writing

  • Information and Media Technologies

Specialist Units 專業課程

  • Business Studies I

  • Business Studies II

  • Mathematics and Statistics

  • Project Management


Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 2)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Business Law

  • Discovering Marketing

  • Fundamentals of Management

  • Introduction to Accounting

  • Introduction to Business Information Systems

  • Introductory Economics

Specialist Units 專業課程 (dependent upon chosen stream)

  • Consumer Behavior

  • Financial Accounting

  • Management Accounting

  • Macroeconomics Principles

  • Public Relations Foundations

  • Web Communications

◆ Engineering

Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 1)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Academic Writing and Communication Skills

  • Academic Research & Writing

  • Information & media Technologies

Specialist Units 專業課程

  • Chemistry

  • Mathematics I

  • Mathematics II

  • Physics I


Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 2)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Academic Communication

  • Electrical Systems

  • Engineering Foundations – Design & Processes

  • Engineering Foundations – Principals Communication

  • Engineering Materials

  • Engineering Mathematics 1

  • Engineering Mathematics 2

  • Engineering Mechanics

  • Engineering Programming

◆ Exercise Sports & Rehabilitation Science

Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 1)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Academic Communication Skills

  • Academic Research and Writing

  • Information and Media Technologies

Specialist Units 專業課程

  • Business Studies

  • Chemistry

  • Human Body

  • Mathematics 1


Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 2)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Evidence Informed Health Practice

  • Foundations for Professional Health Practice

  • Health & Health Behavior

  • Human Structure & Function

  • Indigenous Culture & Health

Specialist Units 專業課程 

  • Exercise Science for Health

  • Foundations of Exercise Science & Rehabilitation

  • Functional Anatomy

  • Introduction to Psychology

◆ Health Sciences

Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 1)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Academic Communication Skills

  • Academic Research and Writing

  • Information and Media Technologies

Specialist Units 專業課程

  • Business Studies

  • Chemistry

  • Human Body

  • Mathematics 1


Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 2)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Evidence Informed Health Practice

  • Foundations for Professional Health Practice

  • Health & Health Behavior

  • Human Structure & Function

  • Indigenous Culture & Health

Specialist Units 專業課程 

  • Introduction to Public Health

  • Introduction to Psychology

Elective Units 選修課程 ( 學生須修2門課程 )

  • Foundations of Psychology (Semester 2 only)

  • Imagining Health in Social and Cultural Contexts

  • Functional Anatomy

  • Food and Nutrition Principles (Semester 1 only)

  • Brain and Behavior (Semester 2 only)

  • Introduction to Chemistry

◆ Human Biology Preclinical

Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 1)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Academic Communication Skills

  • Academic Research and Writing

  • Information and Media Technologies

Specialist Units 專業課程

  • Business Studies

  • Chemistry

  • Human Body

  • Mathematics 1


Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 2)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Evidence Informed Health Practice

  • Foundations for Professional Health Practice

  • Health & Health Behavior

  • Human Structure & Function

  • Indigenous Culture & Health

Specialist Units 專業課程 

  • Foundations of Biomedical Science

  • Integrated Systems Anatomy & Physiology

  • Introduction to Biological Chemistry

  • Introduction to Chemistry

◆ Laboratory Medicine

Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 1)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Academic Communication Skills

  • Academic Research and Writing

  • Information and Media Technologies

Specialist Units 專業課程

  • Business Studies

  • Chemistry

  • Human Body

  • Mathematics 1


Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 2)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Evidence Informed Health Practice

  • Foundations for Professional Health Practice

  • Health & Health Behavior

  • Human Structure & Function

  • Indigenous Culture & Health

Specialist Units 專業課程 

  • Foundations of Biomedical Science

  • Integrated Systems Anatomy & Physiology

  • Introduction to Biological Chemistry

  • Introduction to Chemistry

◆ Molecular Genetics & Biotechnology

Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 1)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Academic Communication Skills

  • Academic Research and Writing

  • Information and Media Technologies

Specialist Units 專業課程

  • Business Studies

  • Chemistry

  • Human Body

  • Mathematics 1


Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 2)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Evidence Informed Health Practice

  • Foundations for Professional Health Practice

  • Health & Health Behavior

  • Human Structure & Function

  • Indigenous Culture & Health

Specialist Units 專業課程 

  • Introduction to Chemistry

  • Foundations of Biomedical Science

  • Introduction to Biological Chemistry

  • Integrated Systems Anatomy & Physiology

◆ Nursing

Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 1)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Academic Communication Skills

  • Academic Research and Writing

  • Information and Media Technologies

Specialist Units 專業課程

  • Business Studies

  • Chemistry

  • Human Body

  • Mathematics 1


Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 2)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Evidence Informed Health Practice

  • Foundations for Professional Health Practice

  • Health & Health Behavior

  • Human Structure & Function

  • Indigenous Culture & Health

Specialist Units 專業課程 

  • Foundations of Nursing Practice

  • Fundamentals of Nursing Practice

  • Imagining Health in Social & Cultural Contexts

  • Integrated Systems & Anatomy Physiology

◆ Nutrition

Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 1)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Academic Communication Skills

  • Academic Research and Writing

  • Information and Media Technologies

Specialist Units 專業課程

  • Business Studies

  • Chemistry

  • Human Body

  • Mathematics 1


Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 2)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Evidence Informed Health Practice

  • Foundations for Professional Health Practice

  • Health & Health Behavior

  • Human Structure & Function

  • Indigenous Culture & Health

Specialist Units 專業課程 

  • Biological Chemistry

  • Food & Nutrition Principles

  • Foundations of Biomedical Science

  • Reactivity & Function in Chemistry


◆ Occupational Therapy

Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 1)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Academic Communication Skills

  • Academic Research and Writing

  • Information and Media Technologies

Specialist Units 專業課程

  • Business Studies

  • Chemistry

  • Human Body

  • Mathematics 1


Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 2)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Evidence Informed Health Practice

  • Foundations for Professional Health Practice

  • Health & Health Behavior

  • Human Structure & Function

  • Indigenous Culture & Health

Specialist Units 專業課程 

  • Concepts in Occupational Therapy Practice

  • Applied Anatomy

  • Introduction to Occupational Therapy

  • Introduction to Psychology

◆ PharmacyPharmacy

Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 1)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Academic Communication Skills

  • Academic Research and Writing

  • Information and Media Technologies

Specialist Units 專業課程

  • Business Studies

  • Chemistry

  • Human Body

  • Mathematics 1


Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 2)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Evidence Informed Health Practice

  • Foundations for Professional Health Practice

  • Health & Health Behavior

  • Human Structure & Function

  • Indigenous Culture & Health

Specialist Units 專業課程

  • Introduction to Pathophysiology

  • Biological Chemistry

  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry

  • Foundations of Biochemistry

◆ Physiotherapy

Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 1)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Academic Communication Skills

  • Academic Research and Writing

  • Information and Media Technologies

Specialist Units 專業課程

  • Business Studies

  • Chemistry

  • Human Body

  • Mathematics 1


Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 2)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Evidence Informed Health Practice

  • Foundations for Professional Health Practice

  • Health & Health Behavior

  • Human Structure & Function

  • Indigenous Culture & Health

Specialist Units 專業課程

  • Functional Anatomy

  • Introduction to Clinical Anatomy & Physiotherapy Practice

  • Fundamentals of Pathophysiology

  • Introductory Physiotherapy Practice

◆ Psychology

Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 1)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Academic Communication Skills

  • Academic Research and Writing

  • Information and Media Technologies

Specialist Units 專業課程

  • Business Studies

  • Chemistry

  • Human Body

  • Mathematics 1


Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 2)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Evidence Informed Health Practice

  • Foundations for Professional Health Practice

  • Health & Health Behavior

  • Human Structure & Function

  • Indigenous Culture & Health

Specialist Units 專業課程 

  • Brain & Behavior

  • Foundations of Psychology

  • Introduction to Psychology

  • Science & Professional Practice in Psychology

◆ Built Environment (Architecture & Construction)

Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 1)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Academic Communication Skills

  • Academic Research and Writing

  • Information and Media Technologies

Specialist Units 專業課程

  • Design Skills I

  • Design Skills II

  • Mathematics & Statistics

  • Project Management


Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 2)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Academic & Professional Communication

Specialist Units 專業課程 (Architecture & Interior)

  • Architecture and Culture

  • Cities & Suburbs

  • Design Studio I

  • Design Studio II

  • Graphic Communication I

  • Graphic Communication II

  • Technology of Design

Specialist Units 專業課程 (Construction Management)

  • Introduction to Building Measurement

  • Commercial Construction

  • Construction Industry Management

  • Construction Law

  • Residential Construction

  • Site Management

  • Structures

Specialist Units 專業課程 (Urban & Regional Planning)

  • Architecture and Culture

  • Cities & Suburbs

  • Construction Industry Management

  • Graphic Communication I

  • Graphic Communication II

  • Introduction to Planning

  • Technology of Design

◆ Arts & Creative Industries

Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 1)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Academic Communication Skills

  • Academic Research and Writing

  • Information and Media Technologies

Specialist Units 專業課程

  • Business Studies 1 (Communications & Social Sciences only)

  • Design Skills I

  • Design Skills II

  • Media, Culture & Communications


Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 2)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Design Computing

  • Introduction to Screen Practice

  • Making Meanings

Specialist Units 專業課程 (Design & Arts)

  • Academic & Professional Communications

  • Art & Creativity

  • Design Principles and Process

  • Art and Design Fundamentals

  • Discovering Marketing

Specialist Units 專業課程 (Communication)

  • Culture to Cultures

  • Discovering Marketing or Public Relations

  • Engaging Media

  • Introduction to Print

  • Web Communications

Specialist Units 專業課程 (Social Sciences)

  • Culture to Cultures

  • Discovering Marketing

  • Engaging Media

  • Introduction to Print

  • Web Communications

◆ Computer Science & Information Technology

Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 1)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Academic Communication Skills

  • Academic Research and Writing

  • Information and Media Technologies

Specialist Units 專業課程

  • Business Studies 1

  • Mathematics 1

  • Programming

  • Project Management


Diploma of Commerce Units (Stage 2)

Core Units 核心課程

  • Academic Communications

  • Database Systems

  • Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Introduction to Software Engineering

  • Mathematics 1

  • Object-orientated Program Design

  • Pre and Introductory Calculus

  • Statistical Data Analysis

  • Unix and C Programming


Undergraduate Pathways入學日期

Intake: 2、7、10

  • Business & Commerce (Stage 1 & 2)

  • Engineering (Stage 1)

  • Health Sciences (Stage 1)

  • Nursing (Stage 1)

  • Built Environment (Architecture & Construction) (Stage 1)

  • Arts & Creative Industries (Stage 1& 2)

  • Computer Science & Information Technology (Stage 1)


Intake: 2、7

  • Engineering (Stage 2)

  • Exercise Sports & Rehabilitation Science (Stage 1)

  • Health Sciences (Stage 2)

  • Human Biology Preclinical (Stage 1)

  • Laboratory Medicine (Stage 1)

  • Molecular Genetics & Biotechnology (Stage 1)

  • Nursing (Stage 2)

  • Nutrition (Stage 1)

  • Occupational Therapy (Stage 1)

  • Pharmacy (Stage 1)

  • Physiotherapy (Stage 1)

  • Psychology (Stage 1)

  • Built Environment (Architecture & Construction) (Stage 2)

  • Computer Science & Information Technology (Stage 2)


Intake: 2

  • Exercise Sports & Rehabilitation Science (Stage 2)

  • Human Biology Preclinical (Stage 2)

  • Laboratory Medicine (Stage 2)

  • Molecular Genetics & Biotechnology (Stage 2)

  • Nutrition (Stage 2)

  • Occupational Therapy (Stage 2)

  • Pharmacy (Stage 2)

  • Physiotherapy (Stage 2)

  • Psychology (Stage 2)


Diploma (Stage 1 )


Diploma (Stage 2 )

  • 高中畢業且第三年4科主科平均成績達70%

Engineering & Health Sciences:

  • 相關科系都要高三4科主科平均成績達75%

Business & Commerce/ Built Environment/ Arts & Creative Industries:

  • IB minimum 21 points over 6 IB units in one sitting


  • IB minimum 31 points over 6 IB units in one


  • IB minimum 25 points over 6 IB units in one sitting

  • 高中畢業且第三年4科主科平均成績達70%


Diploma (Stage 1 )

Diploma (Stage 2 )

Diploma (Stage 2 )

Commerce & IT

Diploma (Stage 2 )

Built Environment, Engineering, Health Sciences

Diploma (Stage 2 )

Health Sciences (Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy and Nursing)

Diploma (Stage 2 )

Arts & Creative Industries (Product, Furniture & Jewelry Design, Creative Advertising & Graphic Design, Digital Design, Fashion, Fashion Art and Photography & Illustration Design)

Diploma (Stage 2 )

Arts & Creative Industries (Anthropology & Sociology, Creative Writing, History, International Relations, Internet Communications, Journalism, Literary & Cultural Studies, Mass Communication, Performance Studies, Professional Writing and Screen Arts)

  • IELTS 5.5 (各項不得低於5.0)

  • TOEFL iBT: 54

  • IELTS 5.5 (各項不得低於5.0)

  • TOEFL iBT: 54

  • IELTS 6.0 (各項不得低於5.5)

  • TOEFL iBT: 70

  • IELTS 6.0 (各項不得低於6.0)

  • TOEFL iBT: 70

  • IELTS 6.5 (各項不得低於6.0)

  • TOEFL iBT: 79

  • IELTS 6.0 (各項不得低於5.5)

  • TOEFL iBT: 70

  • IELTS 6.0 (各項不得低於6.0)

  • TOEFL iBT: 70


  • 申請表格

  • 高中成績單

  • 高中畢業證書

  • 英語能力證明

  • 護照影本

  • Personal Statement

  • CV/ Resume


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