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Navitas- University of Portsmouth 


樸茨茅斯大學是一所位於漢普郡樸茨茅斯市的英國大學。由Guildhall校區和Langstone校區組成。學校距離倫敦和主要機場只有一個多小時。樸茨茅斯廣泛地綜合新與舊時代並結合了濱海渡假地的樂趣和工商地區的蓬勃發展。樸茨茅斯也是英國海軍的基地,有著歐洲最佳的歷史船隻收藏。此校完全與城市融為一體,與當地業界和政府密切的交流,同時樸茨茅斯是個多元的社區,人們一起和諧的居住、工作。此校目前約有24,000多名學生就讀,超過400為國際學生分別來自全球30多個國家。大學有許多不同的課程,一年兩學期的學制提供學生就讀 適合其未來發展的課程。樸茨茅斯大學在各校畢業生就業的比例上一直有良好的表現。


選擇在 University of Portsmouth 進修的原因

  • 地理位置: 離倫敦市中心僅90分鐘的火車車程

  • 樸茨茅斯是英國最常見到陽光的城市及擁有最寬廣的海灘

  • 英國泰晤士高等教育排名中,樸茨茅斯大學是全球前400大的學校

  • 學校提供多樣性的大學銜接課程讓學生選擇自己最喜愛的科目

  • 從2009至今,已經有超過1,100名預科班學生成功升讀樸茨茅斯大學;以及超過230位學生在2014年順利畢業



Undergraduate Pathways: 

  • Accounting & Finance

  • Architecture & Design

  • Business

  • Computing

  • Creative Technologies

  • Engineering

  • Hospitality Management

  • Law, Politics & International Relation

  • Mathematics

  • Property & Surveying

  • Science


Postgraduate Pathways: 

  • Business

  • Finance

  • Logistics & Supply Chain Management

  • Science & Technology

  • Social Science


Undergraduate Pathway 課程內容

◆ Accounting & Finance

Stage I

  • ICT Skills

  • Business Studies

  • Mathematics for Business

  • Accounting

  • Economics

  • Business Law

  • Business Management

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 1


Stage II

  • Economics

  • Introduction to Management Accounting

  • Organizational Behavior

  • Business Information Systems

  • Principles of Finance

  • Business Law

  • Quantitative Methods

  • Accounting and Finance

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 4

◆ Architecture & Design

  • ICT Skills

  • Business Management

  • Research methods, critical thinking and expression

  • Design Concepts

  • Portfolio Development 1 and 2

  • New Media and Digital Cultures

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 3

◆ Business

  • ICT Skills

  • Business Studies

  • Mathematics for Business

  • Accounting

  • Economics

  • Business Law

  • Business Management

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 1

◆ Computing

  • ICT Skills

  • Mathematics for Science and Computing

  • Physics 1

  • Business Studies

  • Scientific Methods

  • Programming Concepts

  • Numerical Techniques 2 (Technical Steam) or

  • Business Management (Business Stream)

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 3

◆ Creative Technologies

  • ICT Skills

  • New Media and Digital Culture

  • Programming Concepts

  • Business Studies

  • Research Methods, Critical Thinking & Expression

  • Design Concepts

  • Numerical Techniques 2

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 3

◆ Engineering

  • ICT Skills

  • Physics 1

  • Numerical Techniques 1

  • Scientific Methods

  • Programming Concepts

  • Design Concepts (Civil Engineering Only)

  • Physics 2

  • Numerical Techniques 3

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 3

◆ Hospitality Management

  • ICT Skills

  • Business Studies

  • Mathematics for Business

  • Accounting

  • Economics

  • Business Law

  • Business Management

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 1

◆ Law, Politics & International Relation

  • ICT Skills

  • Legal Ethics

  • Legal Skills

  • English Legal System

  • Constitutional Law

  • Contract Law

  • Introduction to Politics and International Relations Research Methods, Critical Thinking and Expression


◆ Mathematics

  • ICT Skills

  • Physics 1

  • Numerical Techniques 1

  • Numerical Techniques 2

  • Numerical Techniques 3

  • Scientific Methods

  • Programming Concepts

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 3

◆ Property & Surveying

  • ICT Skills

  • Business Management

  • Engineering Principles

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication

  • Research Methods, Critical Thinking and Expression

  • Mathematics for Business

  • Mathematics for Science

  • Design Concepts

◆ Science

  • ICT Skills

  • Chemistry 1

  • Chemistry 2

  • Mathematics for Science and Computing

  • Numerical Techniques 2

  • Biology 1

  • Biology 2

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication 3

Postgraduate Pathways 課程內容

◆ Business

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication for Postgraduate Study

  • Mini-dissertation

  • Research Methods for Postgraduate Study

  • Principles of Business and Management

◆ Finance

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication for Postgraduate Study

  • Mini-dissertation

  • Research Methods for Postgraduate Study

  • Principles of Finance and Investment

◆ Logistics & Supply Chain Management

  • Research Methods for Postgraduate Study

  • Principles of Logistics and Supply Chain Management

  • Mini-Dissertation

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication for Postgraduate Study

◆ Science & Technology

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication for Postgraduate Study

  • Research Methods for Postgraduate Study

  • Principles of Science and Technology

  • Mini-Dissertation for Postgraduate Study


◆ Social Science

  • Research Methods for Postgraduate Study

  • Principles of Social Science

  • Mini-Dissertation

  • Interactive Learning Skills and Communication for Postgraduate Study

Undergraduate Pathways 入學日期

Intake: 1月、6、9

  • Accounting & Finance (Stage 1)

  • Business

  • Hospitality Management (Stage 1)

Intake: 1月、 9

  • Accounting & Finance (Stage 2)

  • Architecture & Design

  • Computing

  • Creative Technologies

  • Engineering (Stage 1)

  • Hospitality Management (Stage 2)

  • Law, Politics & International Relation

  • Mathematics

  • Property & Surveying

  • Science

Intake: 9

  • Engineering (Stage 2)

Postgraduate Pathways 入學日期

Intake: 1月、6、9

  • Logistics & Supply Chain Management

Intake: 1月、6

  • Business

  • Finance

Intake: 6、9

  • Science & Technology

Intake: 6

  • Social Science


Undergraduate Pathways 

(Stage 1 : Foundation)

Undergraduate Pathways

(Stage 2 : First Year Degree)

Undergraduate Pathways

(Stage 2 : First Year Degree)


Postgraduate Pathways

(Pre Master)

  • 高二平均成績達64%~74%

  • 高中畢業且平均成績達70%以上

  • Completion of IB Certificate

  • 高中畢業且平均成績達75%以上

  • Completion of IB Certificate or with 24 points

  • 200 UCAS tariff points at GCE A/AS Level or equivalent

  • 大學畢業且平均成績達60%以上



Undergraduate Pathway 

Postgraduate pathway

Stage 1 (University Foundation) 

Stage 1 (University Foundation) 

Stage 1 (Pre-Master's)


5.5 (各項不得低於5.5)

6.0 (各項不得低於5.5)

6.0 (各項不得低於5.5)


  • 申請表格

  • 高中成績單

  • 高中畢業證書

  • 英語能力證明

  • 護照影本

  • Personal Statement

  • CV/ Resume


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